The End

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It was raining, it was always raining. In this awful country there was no telling, if it was summer or winter, because every damn day, it would be raining. No wonder I was depressed, no wonder I was standing here on the edge of the world it seemed. It was dark, but the rain kind of lit up the place, I could see the harbour, the big ships and some small ones. The seagulls screaming at each other, trying to find what's left of the food that people threw in the garbage. This was not what I wanted to happen. I thought a change would be good, but it was not. This was the worst decision of my life. I felt like I had nobody, nobody wanted me, nobody loved me.

But then, from far away I could hear him, calling for me; "Charlotte!" But it was already too late, the blade had crossed my wrists. I turned around and saw him running towards me. My hand let go off the blade, and it fell to the ground. As if everything went to slow motion, his steps got slower and longer. My eyes got blurry, I could no longer see him clearly. My mind released me, and I fell. All I could see was dark, and my body surrounded by water. The last thing I heard was "Charlotte!"

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