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Chapter 2:

"Stella! Peyton!" I heard a voice echo

I felt so cold. The shivering stopped, but the feeling of being frozen stayed with me. My eyes felt too heavy to open. I tried to move, but I couldn't.

I could barely open my eyes, but I did. My skin was blue. I could hear my name being called, but I had no voice to call back. My eyes fell closed again. All I could hear was the tree branches rustling in the wind.

I gasped for air when I felt water being doused on my face. My eyes shot open and I fell into a coughing fit. Stella hovered above me, while Adam was holding my head up. We were still at the pier. Everyone gathered in a crowd around me.
"What happened?" I asked

"You passed out." Stella extended her hand to help me up. Standing up I felt dizzy, but Adam was behind me to catch me

Brent took my hand "Easy there, you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

"Come on, i'm taking you home." Brent pulled me towards him

"That's okay, i'll take her home." Adam protested taking my other hand

"Dude, it's fine you still have your turn at your booth."

"She came with me. I'll take her home." Adam pulled me to him

"I'm perfectly capable of taking her home. I won't hurt her like some people."

What's he talking about? This is peaking my interest.

Adam let out a sarcastic laugh
"If you thought that was my worst, I can do far worse." They were now in each other's faces ready to fight.

"Guys stop it!" Stella stopped their arguing
"Come on Peyton, i'll take you home."

Adam wanted to protest, but he closed his mouth and left it at that. He leaned in to give me a hug and mumbled a sorry in my ear. I looked around for Brent, but he disappeared.

I let out a sigh and walked with Stella to the front entrance.
"My brother should be here any minute now." She said checking her phone
"By the way we're all meeting at the park tomorrow. You should come."

"I don't know."

"You have to. We have something important to talk about. All of us."

I sighed and nodded.

"Here's my brother now." She pointed to the shimmering grey Audi

He rolled down the window and gestured us to get in. They dropped me off at my house and Stella even walked me to the door.

The moment I stepped into my room, I crashed on the bed. Today's events really did a number on me. I tried to fall asleep, but I kept dreaming I was stuck in a block of ice.

I kept tossing and turning, added more blankets, but it didn't matter I still felt freezing. I'm pretty sure i'm gonna get sick from the cold.

Someone was throwing rocks at my window, but I didn't have the willpower to get up and tell them to leave. The sound of rocks hitting the window was really starting to piss me off. I stomped to the window with full blown anger ready to spew out of my mouth in the form of insults.

I threw my window open, ready to yell at whoever was annoying me. Instead of it being annoying little kids, it was Brent.
"What the hell Brent?!" I whisper yelled

"Can you step out for a second?"

He is so going to get it once i'm outside. I put on my bunny slippers and trotted outside, not even caring that he's going to see my panda onesie.

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