The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

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Chapter 4:

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick." My mom practically yelled when I stepped through the door

"I was at a friend's house." I answer not even looking at her

"You could have called or told me before you left."

"Sorry it was a spur of the moment thing."

"Hurry up and get ready for school. I'll drive you later." She said picking up her coffee

"Thanks but I already have a ride."

"And when do I get to meet these friends of yours?"

"I don't know. I gotta go before i'm late."

I retreated to my bedroom and got changed into my uniform. I brushed my hair back and put a hat on. The wind is howling today, so I put a jacket on.

"Peyton, a Vivek is waiting for you outside." My mom yelled

I grabbed my bag and bolted to the door.

"Wait you forgot your lunch." She handed me a pink bag with a blue sparkly unicorn on it.

"Where did you find this? I haven't seen this thing since the third grade. Are you trying to embarrass me?"

"No, of course not! I found it when I was cleaning my office and I thought you loved this bag."

"Yeah when I was nine. I gotta go, bye."
I said as I heard a honk from outside

"Come by the studio after school. We need to talk." She kissed my forehead

"I can't I already have plans with my friends" I deadpan

"Bring them with i'll give them a free class."

"No promises. See you after school." I waved

"Bye Peypey."

Peypey? She hasn't called me Peypey since dad. That must've been some date she had.

School was surprisingly noisy today. Usually everyone would talk with their inside voices but now they're yelling and everyone was looking at me weirdly as I was walking to my locker.

"Why is everyone looking at us like that?" I asked Stella

"No idea."

I got to my locker and saw why everyone was looking at us. A picture of Brent hovering on top of me was taped to my locker. The caption reading: cheap bitch and cheating motherfucker. Stella ripped it off and crumpled it up. I saw the same picture was taped to Brent's locker. His eyes grew wide when he saw it.

"Where did they get this?" He asked me

"Guys what the fuck is going on? This was taped to my locker." Adam held out a picture with him ducking from his dad's hand. The caption saying he's a little bitch.

Stella ran over to her locker and screamed. A dead snake was lodged in the hinges.
'Dance with this' was written in blood across the door.

It took me a moment to realize everywhere on the walls were flyers with our darkest secrets on it.

"Who the fuck did this?!" Adam yelled over the noise

"Adam Rosen, Brent Hudson, Stella Mohini and Peyton Hale to the principle's office." The intercom went off

Shit, what now?

We trudged over to the principle's office with our heads hung low. Who would invade our privacy like that? That picture was taken last night in Stella's house. We're in some deep shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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