Chapter 1 - Reunited

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Your POV

I walk up to the school's large welcoming gates and stare at the building. This school is the biggest building I have seen for a while. I take a deep breath and walk through the gates.

My older brother Mitsukuni had no idea I was coming. I had gotten the help of my cousin, Takashi Morinozuka, with planning my return and keeping it a secret.

Takashi told me to go to music room 3 after my classes and had me write down the directions on a peice of paper.

The school day went on as a normal day. Except for one thing There was a pair of twins in my class that kept looking at me like they wanted to abduct me.

I saw Mitsukuni during lunch but thankfully he didn't see me. Takashi did though, and I winked at him. He smiled at me and went back to watching Mitsukuni.

After classes, I followed the directions Takashi gave me, and came face to face with the door of music room three.

I took a deep breath and walked in. Nobody noticed me walk in because they were busy with another person. He looked kinda messy with short dark brown hair. I didn't see his face though. He was wearing a baggy brown sweater.

I look at the other boys in the room. I notice those creepy twins in my class. Then I see Takashi and Mitsukuni. Takashi sees me but thankfully doesn't point me out quite yet.

"Tamaki," a tall dark haired boy with glasses says. "We have a visitor."

I look at Takashi. He looks frustrated.

"(y/n)?" Mitsukuni asks.

"Hey Mitsu!" I respond.

"(y/n)!" he calls out and runs over to me. I give him a big hug. Everyone else in the room except for Takashi and the boy with the glasses stare at us with their jaws wide open.

"Hello everyone! My name is (y/n) Haninozuka. I'm Mitsukuni's lit- younger sister." I greet.

"Takashi, did you know (y/n) was coming?" Mitsukuni asks. Takashi just nods.

"It was a suprise for you Mitsukuni!" I tell him

All of a sudden the boy in the brown sweatshirt faints, knocking over a very expensive vase. A dirty blonde boy told someone to wake him up. The twins were already on it. They splashed water on his face, poor guy.

I was able to get a closer look at his face. He wore glasses and had long eyelashes. Wait a minute, this student wasn't a he. The student was a she.

Second lightbulb turns on(Kyoya knew first, duh)

I stare at her for a second. I look up at everyone else.

"So, can I get some introductions or are you guys going to remain strangers to me?" I ask.

I look over at the one with the glasses. He didn't seem like the one to laugh or smile, but I could swear he had a small smile on his face.

Kyoya's POV

As soon as she walked through the door, I knew she was Honey's sister. They are very similar. They look alike, they both love sweets, and, I don't want to admit it, but they are both cute.

I don't know her that well yet. What I do know is that her presence is a surprise for Honey. So I don't say anything quite yet. I let her stand there observing the hosts for a minute. I then point out the girl to Tamaki. Honey confirms that she is his sister, by running up to her saying her name.

(y/n), that's a pretty name. It definitely fits the owner.

"So, can I get some introductions or are you going to remain strangers to me?" she asks

Huh, funny and beautiful. She must be intelligent too. She has it all. She's perfect. She's not even a commoner. She's a Haninozuka. Could probably kill me if she wanted to.

I smile to myself at the thought. Father would love her. Should I tell Tamaki about this? I look over at the president, blushing at her. She's blushing too. That's just Tamaki's way though. I will tell him, just not yet.

One week later

"Hello, (y/n)." I walk up to her. "I have a few questions for you. Would you please wait for me over there? Thank you." I point to my table where I host my clients. She walks over and sits down.

"Tamaki, how would you like to have a hostess in the club?" he thinks about it for a second. "I think that would be a great idea Kyoya!" I knew that's what he was going to say.

Hello! What do you think? It's my first fanfic! I'm really excited for this one because I have so many ideas! Hope it wasn't too bad! Thank you for reading!
P.S. I do NOT own Ouran HighSchool Host Club or any of the characters. I just write the fan fic

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