Chapter 20 - Haruhi's house

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Haruhi's POV

"Ah, a much needed trip to the grocery store." I say as I'm walking home.

I get to my block, and see a crowd of people gathered around a limo. As I make my way through the crowd, I see the hist club. Everyone except (y/n) and Kyoya senpai, look happy and excited to be here.

"Is this where my Haruhi lives? It's bigger than what I thought it would be. But tell me Kyoya, why did you bring the whole club? Especially those evil doppelgangers." Tamaki says.

"Well, I thought you could use the support. But if you're sure you can do it alone. Come on guys, let's go home." Kyoya says. (Y/n) looked pretty happy about this, but was discouraged when Tamaki spoke again.

"No, no. You're right Kyoya, there's no way I can do this alone. I'm scared Haruhi will see us and make us go home."

"It's a little late for that don't you think?" I say.

Your POV

I still have no idea why I had to be dragged along. I don't even care what Haruhi's house looks like. Just as long as I know she has one, I'm happy.

As Tamaki was going on about how much he was scared of Haruhi telling us to go home, I was just standing there. Half watching Haruhi's reaction to this, and half thinking about a comfortable bed I could've been sleeping in.

"It's a little late for that don't you think?" Haruhi asks in frustration.

"Hi Haruhi." I say, and Tamaki flips out.

"Haruhi! We just came by to see you and say hi." He says.

"Okay, hi. Now will you all please leave?" Haruhi responds.

"Savage. I respect that." I say. "And thank you. I wanted to be at home sleeping anyways."

I start to head towards the limo, but Kyoya stops me.

"Can't we take a small peek at your house?" Tamaki asks.

"No. Tamaki, just leave her alone. You'll be living with her eventually anyways." I say. With that, Tamaki and Haruhi both blush.

"You know what? Fine. A small peek, and then you leave." Haruhi gives in.

"Honestly. I want to skip on this. But a large part of me wants to be there for potential drama." I say, and follow everyone to Haruhi's apartment.

"Here's my apartment. I know it's not much, but it's home. Why don't you guys come in and sit down." Haruhi says.

"Should we take off our shoes?" Tamaki asks.

"If you would, please." Haruhi responds.

We all move into the living room. Everyone sits down except for me. I watch as they pull theirselves into a position to conserve space around the small table. I turn around after laughing at them for a quick second, and see a shrine with a picture of a beautiful woman.

"Haruhi, is this your mother?" I ask.

"Yes, she passed away about seven years ago." She responds.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Haruhi. To be honest, the only loss I've suffered was of a couple of the wild cats I studied in Africa." I say.

"Wild cats?" Haruhi asks.

"(Y/n) went to Africa a for a few years to study wild cats. She wants to become a vet for wild cats." Kyoya says.

"How did you know that, Kyo-chan?" Mitsukuni asks.

"She told me on our first date." He says.

"Speaking of Africa, hey Haruhi, could you make some of this tea we got from Africa? It's best when served hot." The twins ask, and hold out a large bag of African tea leaves.

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