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                Hello my name is Annabelle.I am 16 years old which makes me a sophomore in high school. I have long black hair and some people say I have a nice body. BY nice body they mean nice rack and ass of course. I have sky blue eyes I got them from my dad. That's the only thing that ass hole gave me. 


My mom left him before I was born. She was really heart broken. I was her strength. Alex (my step father) came along when I was six. He raised me as his own with no question asked. I am very thankful for him. He taught me how to fight and I'm really strong thanks to him. You can't tell because of my small body and my shortness I'm 5'4 don't judge.  OKAY ENOUGH of by past. Today my Dad announced that we are moving to California. His company got moved yay!!!(Note: the sarcasm ) The only thing I look forward to is seeing my older brother!! (Opps. Forgot to mention him sowy!) Anyways he lives with my dad's cousin. The deal with me and my brother we aren't blood related. I still love him though. Anyways I haven't met my dad's cousin strange right. Apparently he's a bad influence and he is 21. Ughh I hope he isn't a ass wouldn't want to kick his ass.  


- sorry short chapter next will be longer promise

   *First story please don't judge.

His cousin...My mistake...ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now