An authors note?

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So, this story was not at all as good as I thought it would be. I tried rewriting this chapter over and over again but none of my ideas stuck with the story I envisioned in my head. So this is what's gonna happen:

I'm going to work on the story as a whole without publishing the chapters piece by piece.

I feel like this is gonna be the best way for me to work on this project without stress or worry about what everyone thinks. I'm no abandoning this story, if anything I'm giving more attention and care to it. I'll make another book call J5MY notes and post updates about the story there every now and then. I might post a one shot here and there to keep my profile active, but other than that, I don't think I'm gonna be doing much else for a while.

Srry if you enjoyed chap. 1 and the prologue but you'll have to wait a few months for the rest.

Just 5 More Years...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum