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* not a poem; just a depressed, sleep deprived rambling *

Quote that inspired the following ramble:
"Write hard and clear about what hurts."
- Ernest Hemingway

Writing can be one of the most challenging, yet most freeing experiences out there. Stringing words together to create vivid pictures, genuine smiles, and real heartbreak for others. You are able to give them a glimpse into your world, into your head. You are allowed to pour out some of your bottled up emotions, but not too many.

You see, that's where it gets tricky. We have to be relatable, so that people want to read our stories. At the same time, we need to write about what frees our soul. Often times, these things are not the same. So where do we go from here?

That is a question I have been struggling with a lot lately. I want to keep writing as it lifts some of the crushing weight, but I don't want to write just another meaningless story. I want my words to matter to somebody and maybe even help them. Make them feel less alone.

So the question remains: where do we go from here? After doing some personal reflection as well as reflecting on writing, as a whole, the conclusion I've come to is:

Nobody experiences emotions the exact same way, so nobody can truly understand how we feel. That being said, we do all experience hurt, in one way or another. Meaning, at least, we can hurt together. It may be felt in different ways, but it is hurt nonetheless and maybe.. maybe that is enough.

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