Chapter 04

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[i did this at 7 in the morning during online class so expect this  chapter to be crappy lmao]

[just edited this just now after 3 days at 6 am tf]

The tall boy knocked on the translucent glass patterned  door in front of him as the short blonde boy tried to stand on his tippy-toes, trying his darn best to peek at the door since he was much shorter than the boy of  himself

not long after a  faint low "come in" was heard from the centerpiece of the room in front of them as the tall boy didn't hesitate to enter with him smiling at Jimin letting the younger one show his two dimples at the side of his cheek, signaling for the oldest of the two to enter.

A pale, raven man, sitted at a black chair, head duck down half since he was writing something in a file of papers on his desk, before perking his head up to the two boys infront of him as he stood up, sending a smile at them, but mostly jimin, the fact yoongi could still get lost at the blonde's blissful dark eyes even after 4 years of lost in his embrace, yet nothing still has change.

(a/n; laziness and unmotivation has entered the chat)

"ah, Mr. park, it's really nice you accepted the offer."

the mentioned one sent a warm smile at the older, his eyes turned into a crescent moon, but not too much that he couldn't see "i was in real need for a job so i really couldn't decline the offer"

the smile was still the same as before like always from the very beginning, he still had the urge to refrian himself from getting to close at the younger, he thought, 

little by little you'll comeback soon


im really sorry for such a short chapter, i'll be updating soon in a few hours!

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