Chapter 10

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the ride was awkward ever since Jimin got in, the immortal's eyes were locked on the dark road, his would glance the side mirror of the vehicle, making sure no one was following them on their way, the younger kept on playing his fingers, unable to at least bring up a simple conversation despite the fiddly atmosphere.

staring at the window and seeing closed stores pass by his eyes along with garbage bins that haven't been picked up by the past few days, but suddenly he flinch when he saw something -or someone- dash into the dark ,he swore he saw it, yet he just brushed it off at the end.

"oh, take a left please"

Jimin says softly, his words were quiet but still audible for Yoongi, as he nodded, starting to fasten the pace and steering the wheel,  he took the left  in the road as the car made beeping noise for the turn. and a few blocks a white tall, but not really that tall, apartment building was greeted at them by the side walk, the older observe how it looked like, it was pretty decent if you'll ask him.

"do you live alone there?" Yoongi asked, his eyes now focused on the younger, as Jimin shook his head as a 'no' with a smile on his lips. "i live with my bestfriend"

Yoongi's eye twitched, he swore to god he was going to throw hands.


"bye Mr.Min!"

the younger joyfully chirped, his hand having along with his other hand on the handle of the door, the latter sent a warm smile at him, Jimin then ended it with bidding his 'thank you's and 'goodbye's and headed his way on his room number, watching the car dashed off before entering the building.

he groaned once he entered, remembering  that the elevator was broken, he slumped his back as he lazily dragged his feet onto the staircase and starting to jog on his floor while finding his keys in his bag, taking out a yellow-golden key when he reached the floor, panting as he did.

oh how he wanted to just sit on the couch and just watch 'Itaewon Class' for at least a single damn episode, yet when he entered the warm room, he was greeted by three males making out on the lovely couch that they didn't noticed him even as he closed the door by the fact they were devoured into eachother. 

 two of them was stripped off except for the other one, a young boy that was in the center, a  moaning mess,  while the other two was pleasuring by hickies and such.

oh how he wanted to die on the spot.


vhopekook coming ^^

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