Chapter 4

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He was still there, waiting for her when she returned to the loft. Her heart battered against her chest.

"Are you ..." Kara searched for the right word, "free to visit me?"

A soft smile played on his lips. "I am. As much as you want me to"

Kara nodded. "Good."

Mon-El stepped closer. "I'm not gonna lie. It's a risk. If Brainiac Zero finds out that we keep traveling back to this particular time period..."

"Then it could put Brainy in danger," Kara finished the sentence.

"Yes, or this entire time period."

She sucked in her lower lip. "So we shouldn't do it."

He sighed. "I don't know."

There it was, they were back at square one, right where they had been before.

"I'm glad I came," he said gently. "It was worth it."

Kara's heart thundered on. "I'm glad we talked. It helped."

Mon-El smiled. His shoulders twitched, but he didn't take his eyes off of her, almost like he couldn't tear himself away. He was ... lingering. They both were. Kara bit the insides of her cheeks. Searching the insides of her heart she concluded that she didn't like the thought of no having told him the whole truth. Not when she had accepted his comfort and his council.

She couldn't let him leave like that. Not again. Not when he clearly didn't want to. Not with this bearing down on her soul.

Kara found herself inching closer, as is drawn to him by an invisible thread. She traced the length of his index finger with her own. "You looked so scared in that dream," she admitted. "It frightened me." Her hand closed around his. "Something you said in there," Kara bit her lip and shook her head. She closed her eyes. "I think, it was supposed to be our child." Kara held her breath waiting for his response. When none came, she looked up. "You don't look that surprised."

"I figured there had to be more to the story, to get you so spooked." Mon-El smiled sadly. "You don't spook that easily."

Kara lowered her gaze again. "I don't think I could ever have kids."

"Why not?"

She shrugged helplessly. "I don't know. I arrived here as a stranger. I guess I just got so used to being the last."

"But you aren't."

Kara looked away. "Kal and Lois, they chose to have their child on Argo. It's safer that way."

"I'm glad for them." Mon-El sighed. "I wish I could tell you that we have it all figured out in the Legion. And we do try. Offer daycare. Give support. Free choice of hours." He shrugged. "But most heroes still choose to step away from active duty to raise their kids. Garth and Imra's twins just... " Mon-El pressed his lips together, already having said too much. Kara couldn't keep her grip on his hands from tightening around his fingers. One question had been burning on her mind and finally, it burst forth from her lips. After all, they had meant so much to each other.

"Do you think that somewhere out there in the multiverse, there is one where we have a child together?"

His smile was bright and warm like the sun. "Gosh, I hope so." Mon-El tilted his head. "I know your children would be beautiful. And you would make a great mom. Anybody would count themselves lucky to have a child with you," he explained. Kara couldn't help but join into his laughter. It surrounded her like a warm glow.

"I've never seen your future." She looked away shyly. "Do you think that maybe I could?"

Was this her own heartbeat she heard thundering, or his? Her hands were subtly shaking. To see what they had made, to meet Winn's family. Yeah, maybe she could like that. Mon-El held her hand. Kara could feel a subtle blush creeping up her cheeks and for once she didn't mind. With a thundering heart, she awaited his response.

"Nothing would make me happier."

I Dream Of You, To Wake (Karamel)Where stories live. Discover now