1.0 - day 35

190 15 7

luke and i sat on my couch as i told him what happened, his arms a cocoon around me and his voice like a soothing song. mostly, i wasnt actually talking, just sobbing a lot with snot running down my nose.

once i finished my story, i laughed, wiping the corners of my eyes. "i must look like such a mess right now."

he just shook his head and laced his hands with mine. "no, flo. never. youre beautiful."

if i wasnt so upset, my heart probably wouldve skipped a beat, but my head was still filled with ashton. i just cant handle the fact that this might be the way our friendship might end. all because of a stupid dare.

"honestly, im just really sorry for not believing you yesterday and being such a bitch. you were just being a friend and i feel really bad. i wasnt in the right state of being at the time. how do i make it up to you?"

he pondered the question for a second, before his face lit up with an idea. "hmm, you can give me a blowjob?"

my expression changed from apologetic to disgust. "luke! youre so disgusting, seriously!"

"im kidding, flo! what about you go out with me tomorrow? itll be a win win! you get to forget about ashton, and i get to be with you."

this time, my heart did flutter. i took a while to think about it, but how could i resist a deal like that? "fine, but it better be good! i expect more than ice skating if youre trying to impress me."

he laughed, and we just sat there in a comfortable silence for a while. which was surprising, because i never had comfortable silences with people i havent known for a while. then again, luke was like a new ashton to me, without the feelings. it was nice to have a guy friend that i could just be with.

"hey, do you need me to do anything for you? like, do you want me to go to the store and get you some comfort food, or... never mind." he trailed off, looking away and blushing. i cocked my head out of curiosity, but i dismissed it after thinking about what i did want.

"can you just please just stay with me? i look super gross, and i dont want you to leave me alone. and can we watch dirty dancing? i could really go for dirty dancing right now." i pleaded. dirty dancing was my go-to break up movie, ever since michael clifford broke my heart.

"anything you want, babygirl. im here for you."

luke smiled at me, an actual genuine smile, different from his usual smirk. it finally felt like i was cracking that facade he was hiding underneath, and it gave me a little satisfaction. besides, his smile was adorable.


we cuddled as we watched the movie, snuggled together with our legs tangled together under my bedsheets. except, we werent really watching. luke kept on pulling my cheeks and cracking jokes.

"why doesn't her dad just go with the flow? god, he should just close the hatch on his tight ass, am i right?"

"stop being cheeky and watch the goddamn movie, luke, or i swear you will never be able to fornicate again."

"fornicate? who even uses that word anymore, we dont live in the 50s, nerd."

i huffed, and grabbed a throw pillow to smack him with it. "hush, and watch the movie."

after a few minutes, he started making animal noises whenever they were dancing. his imitations of a cow were pretty good, but also extremely obnoxious. i could barely hear jennifer gray talking over the moo's.

i tried to hold back a giggle and said, "luke! stop, im trying to watch."

"knock knock."

i sighed. since i knew he wouldnt shut up until i said what he wanted to me to say, i just answered with, "who's there?"

"interrupting cow!" a huge grin was spread across his face. he looked kind of like a five year old with that smile.

"oh, wow, ive never hea-"

"moo!" luke started cracking up, the movie completely forgotten. his laughter was a little contagious, though, and i started to laugh with him.

"its not even that funny!" i said through chuckles.

"then why are you laughing?" he teased, and once the laughter died down, a silence fell over us again. i couldnt stop looking at his baby blue eyes, and thinking about the white speck on his teeth that are honestly the cutest thing ever. i never even thought about teeth being cute until i saw him smile.

his expression suddenly turned serious, and slowly, almost painfully, he started to lean in. i could feel myself leaning in, too, my eyes slipping shut and my heart pounding loudly in my ears. his warm minty breath was almost on me before i remembered; ashton. my eyes shot open and i jumped away, the laptop falling to the ground with a loud bang. faintly, "the time of my life" was still playing in the background, and my mind flickered to the scene before looking back at his startled face.

seeing his crestfallen face is enough to break my heart. his eyes glistened, and for a second, i thought he was going to cry. but instead, he cleared his throat and looked away.

"oh, uh, sorry. l-lets just watch the movie." luke said, and leaned down to pick up the fallen laptop. this time when he set it down, he didnt put it on both of our laps, but in the gap between, leaving a space that i felt i could never close.

i didnt write any of this i still love luke -chloe
:))))))))))))))) dont forget to vote+comment we love you guys! - kari <3

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