The Beginning of US-Part 2

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Manik was tensed as hell.Will she come?What will she wear...ethnic or western?Will she try to impress him?Will she smile?What will she say?They knew each other but they just knew,they were never close,not even friends but now they are going to get married!What are her expectations from him?Manik was hell nervous.He was taping his foot on the floor when the red rose aroma filled the café.He knew she was here.
"Manik?"The sweet voice reached his ear and he turned around to see the girl of his dreams.She hardly reached his chest.She wore flats and she wore a yellow crop top and ripped jeans.

"Haaye" the words unknowingly escaped from Manik's lips and although Nandini was a tomboy,a tinge of blush crepted on her cheeks.She controlled herself and tried to continue her tomboy attitude.Tried.

"Please sit." Manik controlled himself.They ordered their coffee and soon the order was served.

Nandini was conscious around him.This fact started disturbing him.

"Nandini,look I know..."Nandini looked up,straight at him."I know,we just know each other.I am not your friend.But I really want to know if you are okay with this marriage or..."Manik asked with a sigh but Nandini didn't let him complete.

"If I wasn't okay,I wouldn't have come here at the first place!"Nandini's straight reply came."It's not like I don't like you.But I don't know you,like I don't know about your likes,dislikes,your life or anything!"

"I'm a open book for you,Nandini.Anything you want to know,you're free to ask."Manik said politely.

"No one is a open book,Manik.Everyone has a darker side.A side,unknown to their closed ones too..."Nandini said grimly."Do you know I'm...I'm not the real daughter of..."Nandini was about to say those dreadful words when Manik cuts her.

"Sometimes heart relations are stronger than any other relations.You're your dad's pride.He is so proud of you.He always talks about you and I'm happy that he chose me for you."Manik said with a smile and Nandini's eyes were moist.

"You really like me,don't ya?"Nandini said and Manik's cheeks were red.He looked downwards and Nandini's eyes were big.

"You really do?"Nandini murmured and Manik nodded."From when?"Nandini's bossy tone was back and Manik was terrified.He remembered how once a guy,Rohit went to propose Nandini and she kicked him at the place where sun doesn't shine!But Manik had to say this.He promised himself that he will always be truthful to her.

"From the day,I first saw you..."He said and he could see Nandini's pink cheeks turning into red.

"And you never said a word?You never tried to convey your feelings?Why?"Nandini now demanded an answer.

"Because for me,you were a far-fetched dream.I was happy seeing you from far.I never thought that I will be lucky enough for you..." Manik said and Nandini looked downwards.


"So,what's your decision?"Nandini asked as they came out of the cafè.

"I think,I said I like you from the very first day..."Manik said.

"No.I mean,people find me very boring whenever I start giving those philosophical lines...I thought you will not like me..."Nandini said.

"What the actual f...I mean hell!"Manik controlled himself while Nandini started laughing.

"You know Manik,I don't like to open in front of people so early.But with you..."Nandini looked deeply into Manik's eyes and he looked at her with some unsaid emotions."It's different."Nandini murmured and Manik smiled.

"So when are we going to meet again?"Nandini looked at Manik with hope and he started doing a bhangra in his mind.

"Whenever you like.Umm,Nandini..."Manik hesitated to continue.Nandini raised her eyebrows and did a gesture that meant "What?"

"I want to be your friend."Manik said as a whisper.Nandini first looked at him with surprise and then smiled at him,nodding.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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