Demon-Spawn Has a Soulmate

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When 10 pulled around, Damian and Jon entered the building. Mari and Adrien were already in the lobby waiting. When Mari pulled Adrien to come meet them, you could see Adrien and Jon's string turn from red to gold. Mari smiled for her friend for finding his soulmate, even though they can talk to each other through their dreams. They started a conversation they never finished last night, until Mari interrupted them.

"Hey you guys wanna come to his house with us? We are planning on freaking out his siblings by me giving them the famous bat glare. And me beating them with my awesome video game skills."

They nodded and went into Damian's car. On the way their Jon started asking questions.

"So are you two soulmates like me and Adrien?" Mari nodded at his question. "What do you mean by your awesome video game skills? You do realize that one of them is a computer genius right?"

"You don't understand. No one has ever beaten Mari, ever. When she went up for a competition, no one has even gotten close to beating her. Damian might have, and that's only because he inherited her skill of video games." Adrien answered for him.

"So that's why Damian has always beaten everyone, even though he's never one for playing video games. Okay last question. Do they know you, like at all?"

Mari shook her head. "They met me for the first time last night. I'm assuming you are a superhero too and that Adrien knows?" they both nod their heads. "When they were out on patrol, a man came up to me and I beat him. So when I flipped him over my shoulder, I knew it was him. I told him he should have told me, and he told me why he never told me. It was reasonable enough, I guess. His siblings are way too confused. He told them we met when he was seven. They think I'm a killer from the league now." Mari explained.

They chatted all the way to the manor. When they got out of the car, Mari was so mesmerized by the house. She took out a sketchbook she had, and started making designs based on the house. Adrien had to get her out of her trance to get her inside the actual house.

When they entered the house, they saw Tim drinking coffee and doing work in the living room, Alfred standing waving at them, and Jason chasing Dick for something.

"Morning Master Damian and Jonathon and Miss Marinette. Who is this young man here?" Alfred asked.

"This is my soulmate Adrien, Mari's best friend, well one of them." The boys stopped what they were doing when they heard the words Miss Marinette.

"You're the girl from last night. I mean.." Jason said.

"Dude we already know. You better be lucky Mari isn't going off on you for your terrible outfits." Adrien said.

"And how do you know?" Dick asked.

"I will answer if anyone can beat me in a game of USM 3." Mari said.

"Are you sure? That seems easy enough. I'll go." Tim said.

All brothers played against Mari while the other three sat out. They laughed while Damian cracked a smile for a minute when they lost.

"How are you so good at this?" Mari just shrugged. "Can we at least ask you one question?" Jason asked. Just like that, Mari gave him a glare that made them all shiver.

"I will answer if you answer this question honestly. What do you think of me based on all the things you've heard and how I dress." Mari asked.

Dick was the one to answer. "Based on how you dress and your height, you look like you wouldn't hurt a fly. But based on how Demon-spawn said you knew each other since he was 7, I think we should be scared of you, since you knew him while he was still in the league."

Mari and Adrien laughed. "Thanks for the answer. Now, what's your question?" Mari asked.

The three brothers looked at each other. "How do you know Demon-spawn?" When they said that, Damian groaned and left the room.

"Watch this." She told his siblings. She hit her arm, hard, and Damian yelled ow.

"Oh you're demon-spawn's soulmate." Tim said as he took a sip of coffee. The words suddenly hit him, and he spit out his coffee. "YOU'RE DEMON-SPAWN'S SOULMATE!!!!"

"Did you just spit out coffee? First demon-spawn has a soulmate and now he spits out his coffee! Is the world ending or am I dreaming?" Jason said.

"The world isn't ending and you aren't dreaming." Jon said.

"It makes sense, they are each other's opposites. They're great for each other. Ok, but how many soulmate bonds do you have?" Dick asked Mari.

"We have every single one. So does Jon and Adrien. And all of my friends. You'll find out why we have every one of them later though." Mari answered.

Damian came back into the room. "Are we hanging out or are you going to be with my brothers all day?" He said breaking the room's silence.


The rest of the day, Damian and Marinette spent the evening enjoying each other's presence and cuddling with each other. When the rest of his siblings saw this, his sisters just smiled, while his brothers took pictures to show everyone else, knowing they wouldn't believe them without proof.

When she finally went back to the hotel, Chloe was demanding to know what happened while she was away from both her and Adrien. They just blushed and locked themselves in the room they shared.


The next day, Chloe forced the two to go shopping with them, so they could look good for their "American Lover." Her words.

It was their last free day before school, so they obviously had to spend it on getting outfits for school. (No uniforms in my book. I already have them, no need for my characters to suffer.)

They spent most of the day shopping. The only exception was to let them go out to lunch with their so-called lovers.

-Can someone please tell me about the mans siblings. I want to include them into my stories, but I don't know anything about them.


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