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---Before you read, this is my first Legolas/LOTR fanfiction so bare with me. ALSO this story will sometimes NOT follow the books NOR the movies. I have changed a few things... obviously. I just wanted to clear that up... Ok!! So I hope you enjoy this new story of mine and tell me what you think! If I can get one star on this chapter then I'll know that at least one person is interested and I'll update the story asap! :D cool! Thanks guys!---

[To that one person who gives me a star... YOU the REAL MVP!:)]

[also, if my elvish is wrong, I apologize as of now.]


The Forth Ring: Soulbond


[p.s you might want to push play on the video:)]

I felt like something or someone was watching me.

I had gained my conscious back yet I could not wake up, my bones felt slightly bruised but I felt stronger than ever. I felt rays of the sun hit my face, although the sun was shining down on me, it did not warm me, not one bit. I could hear nothing but the singing wind, the playful water and whisperers all around me. I could feel the tips of my fingers tickle in a vibration, it was almost as if I could feel the nature around me, I felt like I could understand her. I felt a hand touch my shoulder in a comforting motion, distracting me away from my fingers. I tried to open my eyes but I could not. My eyes were sealed shut, I tried once more with all the force I had in me and opened my eyes. My vision was blurry for a single moment. I sat up quickly, feeling instantly dizzy

"Slowly..." I heard a woman's gentle almost motherly voice say, I did not recognize it.

I blinked rapidly trying to focus on the people in a room that was not mine. It took only seconds to open my eyes and realize I was not home. My brain had made the connection that I wasn't in Mr. Gandles home anymore. This also couldn't be a hospital, it didn't smell like one, instead it smelt of sweet flowers.

I looked around the room quickly, my heart racing harder than it ever had before, I wouldn't have been surprised if I would have had a heart attack right then and there. The room was beautiful, it looked almost too majestic. The blankets were made of silky white material, the bed felt a thousand times more comfortable than mine did and the room felt as if it were royalty. I looked around and saw only four people standing in front of my bed. None of whom I recognized, or at least I thought I hadn't. There were two men, the one who stood on the right hand side seemed to be in his mid thirties. He had long brown hair and wore a crown on his head which, made him seem more of royalty than anything. His green eyes stared at me as if they had seen a ghost. Although he seemed in shock, he was still pretty to look at.

Next to him stood a younger looking woman about as tall as him. She was beautiful, her skin was as smooth as still water. Her blond hair was as bright as the sun and her eyes, they were... mezmerizing. She had this stare that made you feel as if she knew everything about you. It was not threatening, it was quite the oppisite. She had a smaller golden crown on her head that to my guesses, was royalty. I could not stop staring at her, she seemed as she was glowing. Her white gown had been the color of the strongest whitest light, yet my eyes did not burn or bother by her sight.

I turned to my far left, slowly focusing on another woman... She seemed quite different then the last two. She looked younger than them, maybe around her early or mid twinties. Her hair was not brown or blond, but red. She had bright red hair that fell all the way to her back. She had no crown, and no white silky dress on. Instead she carred with her a quiver strapped to her back, filled with arrows with golden brown feathers at the end of each arrow. She wore a long green looking dress, with leather looking tights underneath it. It suited her nicely, making me feel almost self concious.

The Forth Ring: SoulBond [Legolas Love story]Where stories live. Discover now