Chapter 1: Abandoned?

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"Oh come on, Alex, don't be such a wimp. Besides, it's better than sleeping out in the wilderness," exclaimed Kristan in annoyance.

Alex was a typical 17 year old girl, with jet black hair that reached down to her shoulders. She had beautiful but strange eyes that were green with blue outlines. She was a quiet and paranoid girl. Alex and her friends had decided to go camping for the weekend, but it seemed like that might change.

It was 10:00 pm and the girls had stopped outside of an abandoned house in the middle of the woods.

"Guys, if-" Alex was cut off by a clash of clouds. Thunder. And thunder is usually followed by rain.

"Uh, yeah. There is no way I'm sleeping outside in the rain," one of the girls with bushy hair and adorable brown eyes remarked.

"Amanda, I don't see what's wrong with sleeping outside!" Alex tried to reason.

"Alex, you're forgetting we don't have tents," Amanda replied.

"But-" Alex stopped and sighed, "what if we're trespassing?" It was clear that Alex just didn't want to take a single step into that house. Who knew why it was abandoned.

"Yeah, that's likely," Lucy, a girl with brunette curls and blueish-green eyes said.

At this point, none of the girls wanted to listen to Alex any further. Amanda was the first to step on the porch. She slowly walked up to the door and knocked.

"Um, Amanda, it's an abandoned house, meaning... no one lives there," Mia, the fifth girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, reasoned.

Amanda nodded, took a deep breath, and slowly opening the door. She stepped inside and switched her flashlight on. Amanda beamed her light on the walls until she found the light switch, and turned it on. For an abandoned house, this was in pretty good shape.

"See Alex? It's not that bad," Amanda said, looking over her shoulder. All the girls went in one by one. Alex was pulled in by Mia, still reluctant to trespass.

The girls started exploring the house, leaving Alex standing alone in front of the open door.

"Why did I go camping in the first place?" Alex sighed and took a step further inside. Suddenly there was a loud sound behind her and she whipped around to find the door shut.

"It was just the wind Alex. It was only the wind," she told herself, and with that, She took a deep breath and decided to go upstairs.

"Well, there are three bedrooms and four beds. Two of us can sleep on the big one and then someone's going to have to sleep alone." Kristan said checking out the rooms.

"I'll sleep alone," Lucy volunteered, raising her hand low, knowing she had to be stuck alone. She went to her room, and closed the door quietly.

"I'll sleep with Mia." Amanda said, as they both left to go to the bigger room.

"That leaves us with the bunks. You go ahead and change, and I'll go make sure all the doors are locked," Kristan smiled to Alex, and then went back downstairs.

Alex turned on the lights in the bedroom and stepped in. She closed the door and looked around. This room had everything you would see in regular rooms. Someone obviously wanted to leave desperately.

She pulled off her shirt, dragged her sack over to the dresser, and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She sighed then bent down to take out her clothes from her sack. Suddenly, she felt a flashing pain in her back. Something was wrong. She looked into the mirror closely and saw the source of her pain. Just below the clip of her undergarment, she saw marks. It seemed as if she had been bitten. But by what?

The door opened and Kristan walked in.

"Hey cool, there's a- " She stopped and gasped. She had seen the marks. Alex turned red and quickly put on her pair of clothes. She ignored Kristan and climbed into bed, hoping Kristan would do the same. Kristan turned out the lights and climbed into her bed. She had many questions to ask Alex.

Alex could feel Kristan staring at her back. Little did she know, it wasn't just Kristan. There was someone else with them.

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