Chapter 2

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She woke up to the sound of… screaming? What was going on?! Alex quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs to find blood stains all over the floor. She sprinted into the kitchen.

There, standing on the far end of the kitchen, was a man. In his hands he had a chainsaw that was dripping crimson. Alex gasped and the man turned around. The only thing she could make out was his curly locks.

She looked down, and saw what she never wanted to see. Her friends were all in pools of blood, almost dead and lifeless. There was no trouble in realizing that they were all taking their final breaths.

“Alex” they all called repetitively. Alex sunk down on her knees. It was her turn now.

“ALEXANDRA CHASE!” Alex woke up with a scream escaping her lips.

“Finally! What were you dreaming about, hmm?” Lucy asked raising an eyebrow.

She took a huge sigh of relief, and clutched her left hand with her right, both of which were pale and shaking slightly. Alex didn’t want to think about it. It was a nightmare, and she wanted to forget.

She shook her head fast and firm to Lucy as if to say ‘nothing’, and quickly got out of bed.

As she did, she crumpled onto the floor. Her knees smacked the ground with a loud THUMP, and pain shot up through them. Alex moaned loudly, and then quickly covered up her mouth with her hand. The girls gasped, and quickly helped her up.

“Are you okay?!” Amanda asked, worried. Alex shook her head tears threatening to spill. She was in pain, and Kristan had a feeling she knew why.

She quickly pulled off Alex’s shirt, while Lucy and Amanda stared, confused.

What they saw made the three girls wince. Alex had burns, cuts, and nasty-looking teeth marks all over her upper body.

“Cloth, water, and anything to wrap her in. Now!” Kristan commanded the other two. They quickly left to go find the supplies. By now, Alex was in silent tears.

While all that chaos was occurring, Mia was in her room reading about telekinesis. Mia was a strange and silent girl. She always preferred to do things alone and do what she wanted, which mostly involved reading about supernatural activities and unusual abilities.

She closed her little book and decided to try the ability out herself. She closed her eyes trying to concentrate.

10 minutes passed by. The object wouldn’t move. 12. 15. 20 minutes passed by and Mia still couldn’t get the object to move.

“I give up! I can’t do it!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. She got out of her seat, and decided to check out what the others were up to.

“NO, I am not living here another day!” Alex yelled with tears streaming endlessly down her face.

“Alex, we can’t move when you’re in this condition, we can’t call because there’s no service, and we don’t even know where to go!” Lucy tried to explain.

“I don’t care! I just want to leave he-” there was a loud sound of something breaking.

“MIA!” Amanda yelled, assuming Mia was the one who had caused the noise. Mia came running in.

“Is everyone okay?!” Mia asked, terrified.

Why was she terrified? Had she done something so bad that it could’ve done harm to the others? Was it even her who made the sound?! 

“Wait. That was you, right?” Kristan asked, raising an eyebrow. Mia shook her head.

“Let’s go find out what it was then.” Lucy said, but Mia had already gone searching for it.

“I’ll just.. stay here” Amanda said uncomfortably. Lucy nodded and left to go find Mia.

“There you a-” Lucy stopped talking and her eyes grew wide as she saw what Mia had found. Hanging from the fan of the room, was a woman with brunette hair. Lucy stepped back, and started breathing heavily. The piercing scream coming from Lucy caused the other two girls to run over.

When they reached the room, Mia was a foot away from being directly under the fan.

All Amanda and Kristan could see was Mia looking upwards. There was no obvious reason for screaming in the room whatsoever.

Kristan turned around and glared at Lucy.

“WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!” Kristan yelled.

“ARE YOU BLIND!? LOOK! THERE’S A WOMAN HANGING FROM THE CEILING!” Lucy yelled back. Kristan turned to look again, and once again there was nothing there, but Mia standing there, looking up, like a lunatic.

“Yeah, okay, I’m done with you.” Kristan said as she walked away along with a glaring Amanda.

Mia turned to look at Lucy and put her index finger up to her lips. She walked towards Lucy, and they both exited, closing the door behind themselves.

That night, everyone had decided to sleep in the same room, just in case anything strange happened again. Mia got up, unable to sleep, and walked to one of the other bedrooms to try telekinesis again. She sat down and closed her eyes and concentrated on a vase. 5 minutes passed by. The object wouldn’t move. 10. 15 minutes passed by, and the object hadn’t even budged.

“Imagine it moving towards you,” a deep voice whispered in her ear. Hesitantly, she followed the advice, without paying much attention to where it was coming from. Her eyes flew open. The object had, indeed, moved. She cracked a smile, and it soon disappeared, thanks to her realization that someone had given her those instructions. She turned around to see who had whispered. No one was there.

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