I'm Starting an LGBTQ+ Community at Our School!

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So...... The counselor at the school was telling me about how this one girl in the grade above me has a girlfriend and I was excited to hear that here are other people like me that are part of this beautiful community! I decided along with my best friends (who are dating) that we should start something about this at the school. Also quick side note for Bella: YOU AND AVERY ARE SO ADORABLE! LIKE YOU AND I ARE PANS! YOU ARE A WOK AND I'M A SKILLET! YOU AND AVERY ARE JUST AMAZING! YOU JUST SURPRISE ME! THIS TIME YOU DATE A GENDERFLUID PERSON WHO IS ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS! YOU ARE LIKE MY SISTER! @1_Rxiny_Dxy YAS! Okay back to everything! We are starting an amazing community at this school and if you would like to you go ahead and you do you! Go ahead and do what you love! I'm literally doing band and I love it! Do what you love! Bye my guys,gals and non-binary pals! Goodbye from Asher!

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