Things You Should Know

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This story is a fanfiction of a series known as Epithet Erased. An awesome series you can find on youtube that only has 7 episodes as of when this is being typed. If you found this and haven't seen the series somehow, I suggest checking it out.

This fanfiction is an alternate universe from the series. It still has canon characters though some may seem different in this book. In this AU the government is corrupted, the people and groups considered "villains" or "criminals" very likely aren't at all and were simply plastered that title due to disagreeing with the government. Currently, a collection of "villainous" groups are keeping a certain amulet safe from the government, or else they will have no chance to change things. But a good while back it was lost and no one knew where it was...

Until now.

You, the reader, were going through an old storage unit that was left to you by your deceased parents. You end up finding the amulet without knowing what it was. You, being moderately in debt, decided to go to an appraiser or two in order to see how much you could sell it. Only to be dragged into a major rabbit hole where you end up being a greater help than expected.

In this fanfiction you'll meet a few OCs I have in this book. First one you meet is a mundie by the name of Mike Stone who works as an apprentice to a well known appraiser and "criminal" Ramsey Murdoch. Second one you meet is a former detective named Silvia Coal, her useful epithet ends up being a blessing against a corrupt police officer that attacks. And Finally, a new friend you'll meet that recently gets recruited into the Banzai Blasters, his guidance ends up getting you both into high places.

Depending on how well this goes, not only will I be willing to turn this to an x reader for the active opinions of anyone who suggests who to pair the reader with, but I will also be willing to slip in a few OCs from some of the active readers and pair them with any of the open characters.

other than that. I hope you like this story~

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