Chapter 2, Getting Metal

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You smiled in relief, you felt like you could actually breathe a little. You had just sold enough to take care of half of your debt and now you don't have someone constantly breathing down your neck about it.

Now you were heading your way to get that necklace you found appraised. It kept feeling heavier as you got closer to the shop, just a weird feeling like there would be big news from it. You couldn't determine if you were worried or excited for the news, but you did smile upon seeing the sign lit proving the shop was open.

A gentle ring met your ears as you opened the door, a man with messy blue hair was off to the side of the room, examining a gem carefully, not turning his attention to you until a deep voice from the a doorway croaked. "Mike, I heard the bell, we got a customer, tend to 'em for a minute. Still a little busy in 'ere"

The man jumped and looked at you, kind grey orbs met your eyes as he smiled lightly. "Sorry, I tend to get really focused. What brings you here?"

"I found an old necklace in a storage unit my parents left me in their will. I wanted to get the best opinion on how much it's worth, I'm in deep debt..." You answer honestly, the man known as Mike nodded in understanding. He turned to the doorway. "Mr. Murdoch? Do you want to handle this? They want the best opinion they can get." He called out, a shuffle could be heard as a tall shadow took over the doorway.

"What's it look like?" The deep voice from before asked, a golden shine twinkled in the darkness. You pulled out the necklace and held it up for the man to see, receiving a loud choking sound of shock. "Back in your pocket now, come in here" He said urgently. "Mike, close up" Loud steps were heard rushing back into the room as the shadow disappeared, Mike scrambling to close up.

You went into the room without question, feeling the sudden tension in the room. You just couldn't use your voice. When you entered you saw a man in a suit, maroon colored hair, and one golden eye. He kind of reminded you of a rat, but you meant no offense by that thought. He was slouching slightly, clearly on guard until Mike entered the room and closed the door. While slouching, he still was pretty tall but the moment you stood straight, you were a bit intimidated.

"Alright kid, I know you're confused but that necklace has been an important factor between the underground and the government. Whoever has it basically has the advantage" He started to explain. "It's been missing for YEARS and it's caused a stir since."

"I'm not sure I follow..." You mutter, feeling nervous, the necklace almost felt hot to the touch not that you were finding out it was something really important.

"That necklace is known as the Arsene Amulet. It allows the wearer to steal other peoples epithets and use them. Before it went missing, it was in the possession of the underground, the criminals as the government often dubbed us. Kept it under lock and key so the government couldn't use it against us and we at least had a last resort if we couldn't change things our own ways. If the government gets that, everyone is screwed." He further explained. "It's crazy that you somehow just randomly found it without knowing what it was."

You were slowly processing as he walked to check through the door window, clearly anxious. "So... this is some magical item that, if the government got, means... well... shit..." You muttered as a new weight slammed itself on your shoulders. "I'm not sure how to feel about this... what kind of shit were my parents in that they had this?"

"I can only guess they were spies and figured out the governments intentions with it and decided to hide it." The tall man responded, looking back at you. "You mentioned you found it in a storage unit they left you in their will? How'd they die?"

"Went on a trip, were gone a month longer than they said they'd be, then an officer told me they died in a car crash." You muttered, looking down sadly. All you heard was a disappointed huff and a growl of distaste.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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