Chapter 1, Storage Unit Madness

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A gentle breeze blew up dust from inside the unit you had just opened, you stared into it uncomfortably. Not much popped out that caught interest, not even the well kept china that sat safely in the back. You looked to the note in your hand, the handwriting belonging to your father, the last thing you have connected to him and your mother. The words making you feel both sad and selfish. The latter brought from the fact you had wished you gotten money from their deaths, not random junk.

A sigh passed your lips as you pocketed the note, rolling up your sleeves, deciding to get to work. You've seen plenty shows where people looked through storage units and priced things, so you had a general idea what could be worth enough to help lighten the debt you owe. How the world was today was torture on it's own, having to tiptoe so you wouldn't step on the wrong persons foot. Add an increasing debt on your shoulders? You're stuck at a stand still until you can get that covered. Or else you end up in a hole where anyone the government hates goes.

The china in the back looked worth a pretty penny. could deal out a good chuck of your debt if you found the right person to sell it to. Other than that, you'd have to dig to find anything worth while.

Box of clothes. Box of shoes. Box of books, might be a few in there that could sell. That's when you found a small strange looking safe, and a note tapped to it in your mother's handwriting. "The code can only be found by the connection me and my love. What was born from our union is the code to this safe" You muttered aloud, frowning lightly before it hit you. 

You slowly turned the dial, putting in your birthdate then attempted to open it. You smiled at your minor success and looked inside to find a small metal robot doll holding onto a strange looking necklace. You pulled them out, smiling lightly at the cute robot as you decided you'd keep the little guy then examined the necklace. It was golden with a charm shaped like a cat head and a green heart shaped gem. It gave you strange vibes but it definitely looked like something special.

You decided to stuff it into your pocket, hidden from sight as you gathered anything else worth anything and closed up the unit. You wanted to be quick with selling these things and getting the necklace appraised. You did live nearby a shop most locals know to be a frequent spot a famous appraiser sets up shop at that the government doesn't know about. Might as well take a chance at having the best look at the necklace.

Yet little did you know what this simple little gem could lead you to. 

Epithet Corruptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें