Yumeko's plans

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Mary's POV

I'm tired, not only did I have to gamble to save my school reputation, I also had to get back to my backstabbing friends. If you can even call them friends, everyone knows you have to treat house pets like crap. But getting with them after they just redeemed themselves is complete crap. The worse part was that I was so cocky I didn't realize who I'd lost to.

Yumeko Jabami. She's almost never lost a gamble, she can sniff out cheating like a blood hound. Though I lost to her, she helped me get my spot back. I knew I was never going to be as good as her, I thought she only saw me as a cocky brat. Turns out she wants to be friends with me. It's confusing sure, but if she's on my side then it'll do.

I have to admit this before I regret it. I like her. I didn't think I did, but my head always spins in circles when I'm with her. She's so sweet and she gambles like a monster...we're supposed to be rivals right? I don't get why I feel this way, and I'm aware she's not interested. She just...has a way that makes it hard to resist. That's the only way I can put it.

I sit at a random table in the hall. I'm alone now, I told the other girls that I was busy. I'm just concreting, thinking about the person I can only dream to be with. I lay my head on my arms and stare at the floor. I don't like to think this way, I never have.

Yumeko. Her name sound so sweet, even the thought of her makes me happy. I've never been in love before, I've seen her with Ryota so many times. They seem much closer than me and Yumeko. It hurts knowing that I don't have a chance with her, especially if it's the first crush I've ever had. I give her so much attitude and I'm always so stubborn. She probably hates me and-

"Can I sit here?" I here a familiar voice say, could it be..? I look up and see a girl with long black hair and red eyes like roses. It's just Yumeko. "Sure, I don't care." I huff, she places herself next to me and smiles. "Is something wrong?" Yumeko's smile fades and she looks a bit worried, "No it's...nothing." I sigh. I can't just tell her that I'm falling really hard right now.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over to my house!" Yumeko claps her hands together and her smile comes back. "Your...house?" I look at her confused, why would she want me to go there? "So we can have a sleepover!" Yumeko grabs my hands and stares into my eyes, "Sleepover?" I've had a sleepover before, I just never thought I'd have one with her. "I've never had a sleepover! Plus, this will help us get to know each other!" Yumeko shakes my hands up and down before I snatch my hands back. "W-Whatever, sure I'll go I guess." I look away, already knowing she's excited.

"Yes! Thank you thank you!" She joyfully thanks me, "It's not a big deal you know..." I sigh, she's overly bubble and I love it. It's something I've always adored about her, she was always so happy around me. She only got serious to a gamble, which was a bit of a problem. "Is it alright if Ryota joins?" She asks excitedly, Ryota? Wouldn't it be kind of weird for a guy to be with two girls in a sleepover?

"Sure, but he better not try anything! Tell him if he tries anything, he's dead!" I shout a little to loud, "He won't! He's not that kind of guy." Yumeko reassures me. She knows him so well and trusts him, it makes me sort of upset.

"Well I gotta go! See you later!" Yumeko runs off, "W-Wait! What about-" and she's already gone. I look under my arm, is that a paper? I look at it and it says an address and a phone number. It must be hers, it says the time and everything. I'm sure she was just messing with me about the whole being excited thing.

I said I would go, I can't back down now. I don't want to see an upset Yumeko, not that she can do anything, I just don't want to see it. I don't think I can mess this up, right? I just have to be myself and say something that won't offend her. Right? That's it right? I don't think I can handle thinking like this.

The bell suddenly goes off loudly alerting everyone that school is over. Finally, I'm sick of this place. If I'm going to be honest, I taught myself how to gamble. I had to learn it by myself before my parents could send me here or else I would be dead meat.

I get my bag and walk out the gates. I know I should feel relaxed, but that sleepover that Yumeko was talking about is bothering me. We're both girls, right? There's nothing to worry about, right? I'm sure she'll just do basic things like watching horror movies or talk about crushes...uh oh. That wouldn't be a good topic to talk about...

I walk home and look around. I see Ryota and Yumeko talking into the distance, it bugs me to see him with her. They might be more than friends, they're so close and everything...I could never be like that. I hope she's at least happy with him...

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