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Mary's POV

(I skipped just to when they're at Yumeko's house)

Woah. I stare at the huge house in front of me and almost drop my bags. This is Yumeko's house..? I thought to myself, it's huge! It kind of scared me, it was huge but it didn't look like you could get lost. It wasn't one of those celebrity houses with 6 different pools. It was more like a place that you would gather at for a holiday.

As I stare at the big house I hear a familiar voice calling my name. "Mary! Hey!" I turn around and see Ryota running to me, I forgot he was coming. "I'm surprised you actually came. I thought you didn't like things like this." He says surprised, "What? Just because I tell Yumeko not to hug me, means that I dislike sleepovers?" I get close to him, he really is an idiot. As I get close, I hear the door open.

"Hey Mary and Ryota! You can..."

She stares at us blankly and a bit surprised. "Am I interrupting something?" She teases, "What? No! I- Ew!" I immediately grip my bag tightly and walk into Yumeko's house. "I was just kidding!~" she giggles and walks to my side, waiting for Ryota to come in.

We all sit on her couch, me and Ryota look around the room. The living room looked like something from a Christmas movie, without the lights and the tree. As we stare around Yumeko sighs, "Like it? I live alone so most of the cleaning is done by me." By her? Doesn't she have..?

"What about your parents?" I ask, her face goes a bit dull before lighting up again. "Well, they're always out! I mostly have the whole house to myself." Yumeko smiles a little brighter, it seems weird. "Well is clean. So you did a good job." His face flushed red, what's he thinking? What can be so good about cleaning?

"I have an idea!" She says as she claps her hands, "Let's go to my room!" I try to hold in my laughter but then give up trying. I burst out of laughter and Yumeko looks at me confused. "You wanna go to your bedroom? You trust Ryota THAT much? Wow, even I'm surprised!" I stop laughing and wipe my eyes, "Well I trust him." She looks at Ryota with the most pure look on her face.

"You won't do anything, will you?" I stare into Ryota's dark brown eyes, trying to give him the death stare. "N-No! I won't, promise." I could tell by his voice that he was intimidated. "You better not." I wasn't saying this because of me, I was saying it because of her. Yumeko has um...things..and they might get her into some weird situation. And if Ryota tries anything, I'm not sure how it'll go.

We all walk to her room and sit in her bed. "So I checked a sleepover book and I-" "You had to get a book for this?" I interrupted, Yumeko's cheeks grow pink and she huffs. "Well I'm not sure how sleepovers work so.." Yumeko's voice trails off in a sad tone, making me feel bad. "It's not a bad thing! I just..." I wanted to make up an excuse for sounding like a jerk, but I couldn't think of anything. "It's fine Mary, so what do you guys want to do first?"

"Well I was thinking of watching a movie." Ryota responds, how boring. "What about scary stories? Unless you guys are chickens." I tease and giggle, I can see Ryota sigh and Yumeko get excited. "Ryota what kind of movie did you have in mind?" Did she just ignore me? "Well I was thinking romance but it's fine if you want to watch something different." He scratches the back of his head and turns pink.

"That's perfect! Mary, are you going to watch the movie with us?" Yumeko looks back at me with energetic eyes. I can't say no. "Well do you even know what movie you're watching?" I ask, Ryota thinks a bit before responding. "Well I'm sure we can find something, you might even like too Mary." Ryota says sounding pure, yeah right.

Romance isn't my thing, even though I like Yumeko. I don't completely get it so don't ask me. "Whatever, now just pick a movie and I'll think about it." I sigh, Yumeko sits on the bed next to me while Ryota goes on the floor. "Ryota, don't you want to sit on the bed with me and Mary?" Yumeko asks with confused look on her face, Ryota turns around. "Huh? Oh uh, it would be pretty weird if I was on a bed with two girls.." Ryota blushes and looks back at the tv.

He turns it on and starts searching for a movie, nobody says anything, but I can try to read Yumeko. "What about this one?" Ryota says breaking the silence. What's this? It shows the cover and the title in big white letters. The title is bad, I don't even want to watch the movie. "What's it about?" Yumeko asks.

"Well it says that's it's about two girls who are best friends and grow feelings for each other. They fear one might be different because of they're way towards men. It also says that the two girls go through different struggles and they can't tell each other because of it."

I think I just had a heart attack. "Oh! Best friend love story! I love those!" Yumeko's face grew bright again, like the way she'd say hi to me after class. My heart started to pound uncomfortably, was it just a coincidence? "Mary are you alright? Your face is a bit  red." Ryota asks worryingly. "Tch, I'm fine, don't stare at me. You're lucky I even trust you here." I responded a bit harsher than I meant to.

He starts the movie and we all sit in silence. As we watch the movie I noticed Ryota moving a bit. It was a bit distracting, considering the fact he was right on the floor in front of us. "Why are you moving so much?" My tone changes somehow, I can tell Ryota is kind of intimidated. "I have to use the bathroom..Yumeko, where is your bathroom?" He pauses the movie and turns around.

"Outside down the hall, on your left." Yumeko says helping him get up. "Thanks, I'll be back in a second." He walks out the room and closes the door behind him leaving me and Yumeko alone. It was silent for a few seconds, we mainly just looked around.

"Hey Mary, what's wrong?" Yumeko looked at me, making me a bit surprised. "Huh? What do you mean? I'm fine." I stared at her confused, why is she looking at me? "Since Ryota is gone..I was thinking." Yumeko's kind smile faded into a slow serious face. "What if we just get this over with yeah?" Yumeko turned to me and put her thumb and index finger in my chin. What's she doing? "Get what over with?" I ask tensing up a bit.

She immediately pulled my face into hers, I stare a bit shocked. "Hey! What are doing..?" I managed to say before her lips push onto mine. Did..did she just kiss me? I pulled back making it only a short kiss. I put my hand over my mouth and stare down. "You're pretty lucky." Yumeko laughed while putting her hands on mine, I flinched and looked back at her. "If Ryota wasn't here, let's say this would be more fun." Yumeko winked at me before sitting back in her original position.

Was she flirting with me? No no, she couldn't be serious. Isn't she straight? I'm pretty sure she's just joking, I mean this is normal right? I can't believe a little joke would make me so worried. I sigh and looked back at the ground. "H-Hey you're still holding." "I know." she blurted out immediately. "Don't look so down, next time I'm all yours." her grin grew and a chill sent down my spine. I liked see her like this. A lot. More than a girl should. Her hands were soft and comforting, if I was stressed about anything it would just be her.

I heard the door open and Yumeko's hands immediately jolted to her back to her lap. It was Ryota. "Hey guys! Hopeful I didn't take to long." he apologized as her sat back on the ground in front of us. "No problem, we can start the movie now." Yumeko reassured him. He doesn't know what just happened. I mean I don't think he does. Does he? Whatever, I need to forget about it. Yumeko unpauses the movie and begin to watch it again. Let's hope I can keep this act on..

Heyooo author's note time! :)

I just wanted to say thank you thank so much for 99 follows holy crap. I didn't actually expect people to enjoy my stories, but thank you! I appreciate it a lot! I'll certainly find the time to make more and publish! I wanted to make this chapter long just as a thank you for reading my trash. Anyways, until next chapter! Peace.

Mary x YumekoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora