Chapter Two: The Flood Continues

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Last we checked Damien Nicklesworth was starting on Camerons and Jaydens wands. He brings them to the room, as normal, and he gets another chair. "Focus on all your magic. everything you do with it. close your eyes and focus ut to your core." Damien told the twins. they both did, and in unison boxes started flying to the table, in front of their respected owners. "Hmm... very nice choices.. both have Vine and holly, but ca- no.. jayden.. has a bit more alder.. and I see you both have veela hair and thestral hair.. though j-cameron has a small bit of unicorn hair.. very strong wands.. both of you.."

   he then gets up, and gestures them to follow as he exits the room. he leads them to the door, where their sister is waiting for them. "Dad said you need to come to madam malkins for your robes. his exact words were actually 'those two boys better get here before I kill them', but you get the gist."


   he goes back to the room, and does the spell in camerons wand. it slowly goes up into the air, and very slowly drifts together. at the exact same time, all the pieces touch and a bright green light is emitted. while that happens, he goes to the other wand. this time its a bright blue light. he grabs two identical boxes, green velvet on the outside, and opens one, and puts camerons wand in. this one has a blue velvet interior. he opens the other one to a grey interior, still velvet and perfect. he places jaydens wand in, and places the tops on both of the boxes. he puts them on his desk as someone comes in. he sees that its not the usual eleven year old.

   "Hello, welcome to Nicklesworth Wands, how may I help you sir?" Damien tells the man cheerfully. he looks to be about 17. almost 18. the boy looks like he ran five miles. "please,- can you, fix, my wand?.." he says while panting. he probably did run five miles.  he looks down at the wand, which has a nice crack going longways across the wand. easy enough. "come with me."

   He walks to the room and they both sit down.

"what is the wand core and wood?"

"uhh.. holly, yew, dragon heartstring, dementors cloak.."

just as he said it boxes flew down. holly, yew, dragon heartstring and Phoenix feather. he takes all the pieces out and puts them in a circle around the wand. "addendi instaurabo." he created this spell in 7th year. when he knew it was his dream to be a wandmaker. he had studied wandlore for 5 years at that point. and have been reading about spells since 2nd. it means add repair in Latin, and isn't just for wands. it is used to add something to another object to fix said object. the wand and pieces glowed a bit, raised about 2 inches off the table, and quickly went together and glowed bright red. he grabbed the wand and handed it to the boy, who then said "thanks a lot! I've been running from dementors from spinners end. probably enchanted as they were fast. I eventually dropped my wand and stepped on it." The boy told Damien. "ah. the ministry hasn't had good control over them since Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort. still think they were treated better with the death eaters. there's vacant spots at the leaky cauldron if you need to spend the night. I could send ministry employees to spinners and sort it out." Damien told him as he fiddled with his wand. "your wand might be a tad off for a day as to get used to the new pieces, but it should be fine nonetheless."

   as damien was seeing the twins out with their wands and mixing them up multiple times, he could finally relax.

oh wait.

he can't.

its mid August.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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