Chapter 4: the first date

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Harry's point of view.

She is beautiful. When I look at her I fall in love even more than I already have. Even though we are only "friends" and only known each other for 3 days I love her so much it's unbearable. Like the way she is so beautiful even without knowing or trying. I love her hair and she needs to keep it up more because she always has it down and coving her face.
She is perfect to me I love all her flaws and imperfections. Even though she might not feel the same about me I love her with my whole heart.
I step on her porch very nervously tonight was the night I was going to tell her that I love her. People might say that you have to wait a little bit before you break the news not for me in fact I want the whole world to know that I love Abigail Liv Mae.

When you love somebody so much you really don't care what the world thinks.
I finally knock on the door and I can hear feet scuffing around and the clacking of shoes. When Abigail opened the door I didn't have any words at all she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.

She had on a stunning beautiful kinda of flowing short dress on that was strapless and white and it showed off her beautiful back and legs her hair was down and in front of her face of course but she still looked beautiful with her black heels on.
"You look beautiful the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I said.

I saw her look away like she's never been called beautiful before. I helped her down her porch like a gentleman would do and walked beside her
"How are you?" I asked.
"Good how about you yourself?" She said back as a reply.
"I am great now."
"Abigail I have something I want to tell you." I blurted out stopping us from Walking any further.
"I love you!!!"
"I know it might seem like we don't know each other that well and that for all you know I might be a serial killer, but I do know one thing and that is that I love you I love you I love you every night I go to bed thinking about you and then I wake up and once again there you are lingering in my mind when I eat, sleep, drink, sing, move you are on my mind and that might sound like a bad thing but oh Abigail Liv Mae it's not.

"I have realized something and this might sound crazy but I can't live without you. "You are my drug and I can't go a day without it I guess you can call me addicted but in the best way possible I know that now because when you love someone so much your heart won't let you let go because Love holds on forever.
"I love you too." She said crying so hard I could barely pronounce what she was saying. I let out a laugh.
She stepped closer to me.
"I love you." I said whispering.
"Yes." I said practicality breathing into her mouth.
"Can you shut up and kiss me already." she said softly and slowly.
And before I knew it we were kissing her lips were smooth and tasted salty. I reached out to her hips and pulled her closer to me. I could feel her hands on the hem of my shirt and could feel her warm hands against my hips. I loved her and every second I fell more and more in love with her you might think that's impossible it's not cause it's happing to me.

As we stand in the middle of the road we are still kissing and I never wanted to stop kissing her. I slowly moved my lips down her lips and planted one soft kiss on her neck it was smooth and smelled like lavender. I moved my lips back to her lips and started kissing her beautiful lips again. She slowly pulled away from my lips but still had a hold of my shirt like she never wanted to let go and that was not going to happen.

"That was the best first kiss I've ever had." Abigail said.
"Mine too." I said panting out of breath from kissing her too long but that was okay.
"Do you just want to see my house or go somewhere else?" I ask.
"Well......" Then she let out a giggle which caused me to laugh.
"I am guessing you want to go somewhere else," I say.
"Yeah right."
"Okay let's go." I said racing her to the car.
We get in the car and drive away and stop as my house I walk over to her door and open it for her when she stepped out of the vehicle I grabbed her hand and walked up to the porch I could see that she was impressed with the house and she was gasping and smiling at the same time. Just another reason to love her.

We entered the house and nobody was home but me and her. As soon as we entered I pulled her toward me and we danced to no music cause who needs music to dance and when ducked her down she started laughing and I could see her jawline moving. When I pulled her up we just stared at each other's eyes her eyes were the color of the bright blue sky and her smile was as big as the moon.

I leaned in to kiss her lips Niall walked in but I really didn't care.
"Whoa there sorry didn't mean to sorry." Niall said smirking at me and walked out.
I just smiled and went back to her lips.

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