Chapter 6: In my mind

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Abigail's point of view
"Harry stop it." I said laughing on the couch as he kept tickling me.
"Oh but why Abigail Liv Mae?"
"How would you like to go to the fair tonight with me?" Harry said.
"The fair does not open till the seventeenth and it's the twelfth and its 12:00 at night."
"Exactly just me and you and a Ferris wheel and we can sneak in okay your going get on a jacket c'mon lets go move, move, move." Harry said while tickling my side to get me to move faster.
Okay, okay I'am going." I said laughing a giving him a wink as I turn around.
We arrive at the fair and it is pitch black all I can see is Harry's hair and I can feel his hand holding on to mine guiding me where to go. All of the sudden I slam into a metal gate.
"Ah that hurt what the crap Harry." All I could hear was Harry laughing.
"It's a gate we have to jump over it." Harry said still laughing."
"You know it's not funny Harry I am going to have a bruise tomorrow." I said laughing.
"Okay okay sorry." Harry said still laughing.
I reached for Harry's hand and put one foot over the gate and Harry helped me put my other foot over the gate by grabbing my thigh and pushing it up and over. I was now over the gate Harry got over the gate a lot faster than me I think that's because first he is a dude second he has a lot more Muscle then me. But whatever. Me and Harry were both over the gate my side still hurts from where I jammed it into the metal gate. I looked at Harry and smiled he smiled back.
"Okay." Harry said catching a breath.
"Okay what?" I said back.
"Okay we are here what activity are you interested in doing first my love." Harry said giving me a smirk and causing me to laugh.
"Okay the carousel my lovely man." I said laughing and making Harry laugh as well.
"Lets go." Harry said.
We sat on the bench on the carousel instead of the horses because we wanted to be together might sound cheesy but whatever.

I start to laugh for no reason and Harry is laughing to we get up and he starts to twirl me around in circles he than stops me and pulls me in about to kiss me right as I close my eyes I hear a cop car and the sirens.

"Harry are you sure we were allowed to break in?"
"Um no." Harry said.
"What I am sorry it's okay just stay behind me." Harry said.
"Hands where I can see them!" The cop said in a mean loud voice.

"Run." Harry said whispering to me.
"No I not leaving you!"
"You have to he is going to take me to jail and I can't ha e you going to jail your parents will never let me have you if you don't run and I can't risk losing you." Harry said.
"I could care less what my parents think I am not going anywhere if you go to jail then so do I and you can't stop me." I said with a confident and demanding voice.
He leaned in and kissed me even though this was not the time to be kissing he kissed me anyway. We had are hands behind are heads and the cops came up to Harry and I I could feel drops of sweat in the palms of my hands.

"You do know that the fair is off limits right?" The cop said.
"Yes but we were...." Harry said but the cop rudely cut him off.
"You are both coming with me."
Harry and I turn around and the cop put tight handcuffs around Mine and Harry's hand I looked at Harry and he smirked at me why would he smirk at me this is not a smirking situation but I still managed to smirk back.

We arrive at the jail it is gross and scary looking. The cop take Harry and I and guide us out of the car and into the jail there are people with tattoos and piercings it was the worst experience I have ever went through. Harry is right beside me the cop then threw us into a jail cell with this buff dude that was constantly trying to spit in my hair ugh.
Harry reached for the phone and called Liam to come and bail us out of jail it has been 1 hour of torture finally Liam came and bailed us out we were free at last!! When Harry and I went back to his house I had to go back home my family would hopefully never find out that I went to jail lets hope and so I leaned in and kissed Harry when I leaned away I just stared into his beautiful green eyes I love him so much
"See you tomorrow I love you Harry Styles."
"I love you too Abigail Liv Mae ."

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