Chapter 2

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A/N: Just so you know, Zerrie and Elounor doesn't exist here but Payzer does bc PAYZER 5EVER!!

3rd person's POV

"It says here we can submit as many songs as we can. The more we submit the higher are the chances of us winning" Hayley said, studying the poster closely like it was a piece of antique.

"Let's get startin' then!" Wendy said, mocking some southern accent causing Hayley to laugh.

"Did you bring your special notebook?" Hayley asked.

"I always do" Wendy grinned as she pulled out her leather notebook from her messy bag. There was nothing special about Wendy's notebook except for the fact that it contains every poem, summary or song she made this school year.

"How about that one, that song looks like they can relate to it" Hayley said, pointing to a particular song Wendy made a couple of months ago.

Wendy nodded and soon she was sitting on Hayley's desk, writing some brand new songs or poems as she watched as Hayley play with her guitar and make up a couple of tunes.

After 3 hours of writing and singing songs, Hayley said "time to record them" and Wendy just nodded because she knows she won't be the one singing.

Hayley led Wendy to her dad's or her recording studio which was located at the back of their house.

Hayley has always loved singing and recording and she has always been a daddy's girl that's why on her 15th birthday, instead of getting new clothes or a new phone, her dad gave her a freaking recording studio.

"Imagine all the things we can buy with a hundred thousand pounds!" Hayley exclaimed.

"Yeah! We can buy restaurants and a life time supply of bacon and pizza!" Wendy said.

"Or, we can donate some and then buy the things that we've been longing for" Hayley said, rolling her eyes and laughing at the bottomless pit she calls her best friend.

"But don't forget the unlimited supply of bacon!" she said, causing Hayley to laugh once more.

"Let's start recording yeah?"Hayley said as they both entered her recording studio.

Wendy sat in front of all the recording equipments while Hayley entered the sound proof room and started singing and just forgetting about the rest of the world.

Hayley closed her eyes and buried herself into her deep world of fantasy, where she was a huge celebrity and Wendy was a famous author and they would still hang out with each other even though they had busy schedules.

Hayley remained in her little bubble of happiness until Wendy eventually spoke into the mic "You were awesome Hales" 

"Thanks Wends" she said, smiling at her best friend across the glass.

"You think 10 songs are enough?" Wendy asked.

"Bro, it's more than enough" Hayley said, rolling her eyes.

"Let's go send it, shall we?" Wendy asked as she sat in front of Hayley's laptop.

Hayley nodded and slipped her fingers between Wendy's as Wendy finally attached the file and sent it to One Direction's official email address.

They waited for the sign that said that the message was truly sent, as it appeared, they both gave heavy sighs and started squealing and hugging each other.

"I can't believe we did it" Hayley said.

"We actually have a chance of being at least one step closer to the boys!" 

"it's so unbelievable"


"It's a miracle"

"It's incredulous" Wendy said and they just both laughed and lied down on Hayley's bed.

"I really wish we win though. I want nothing more than this" Wendy sighed.

"Me too, I don't even care if we have to travel halfway through the globe just to see them. They would be really worth it" 

"Yeah" Wendy said

"Did you guys submit your songs?" Natasha asked them and they both nodded.

"Now all we have to do is wait" Hayley said, beaming at Natasha while Wendy just nodded half-heartedly because she's not really that most patient person in the world.

"Oh and can you guys do me a favor if you win?" Natasha asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Wendy asked.

"Can you ask for Louis' signature?" Natasha said, a light blush forming on her cheeks.

"Of course" Hayley said, laughing along with Wendy but they were both worried deep inside. What if One Direction's management didn't like their song? What if their hard work just goes straight to the trash bin? What if their dreams never come true?

All these questions floated in their head as they tried to concentrate.

"Do we have a new message yet?" Hayley asked as she mindlessly strummed her guitar.

"Nope" Wendy said as she checked her email once more before sighing and just sighing onto twitter.

"It's been 2 weeks! 2 weeks too long!" Hayley said, placing her guitar gently on the side of her bed and lying down.

"What if we didn't get in. What if my lyrics were too crappy" Wendy said quietly.

"Bullshit" Hayley said "don't think that way, maybe they haven't read it yet or something like that"

"It's been 2 weeks Hayley, let's just give up and move on okay?" Wendy said.

"No. I'm not just gonna give up!" Hayley, being the more positive one between the two of them, exclaimed. "We worked so hard for this" she said.

"Maybe a lot of people just worked harder y'know?" Wendy shrugged, trying to stop the tears of disappointment from falling down. 

"Wait. Wendy. Is that a new message?" Hayley said, looking at the laptop behind Wendy.

"What?" Wendy asked as she sniffs but she stopped as soon as they saw that they have a message from One Direction's official E-Mail address.

Dear Ms. Wednesday Del Sol and Ms. Hayley McDonough,

We are here to congratulate you for winning our song writing contest. We have browsed your demos and we would like to invite you to London so that you may keep an eye on the boys. You may print out the ticket planes and we will meet you personally in London. We, including the boys, would love to meet you soon.


"Wendy" Hayley said.


"Are we.....?"

"Going to London this Monday? Yes"

"And we're....."

"Gonna meet the boys of One Direction"

"Which means....?"

"Our dreams have finally come true!"

"OHMYFUCKINGGOSH!" Hayley said and we both started screaming and hugging each other.

We're finally one step closer to the boys of our dreams. 

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