she was just fresh meat

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a new student, to a new school she couldn't even remember the name of, yet she walked out that door with held breath and a banging heart, she was one her own, again.
The school was large, several students scampered about to join friend groups and be the little gossipers that they are, she held her breath once again, she was the new student, she was the outcast, and she prayed she'd go the first week without getting noticed by bigshots and bullies, yet she knew it was far stretched, and she knew, face hidden behind a black mask with dyed hair covered up by a hood, that she was already discovered.
She could feel the glares, cold yet interested, new meat was always something worth while, easy pickings, a runt amongst a den of much larger pups, she knew, yet she did not do one thing to stop those glares, those glances and the muttering behind her back.
not once could she actually hear what they were saying.

She didn't know what she did to get here, yet she didn't complain, she got the back row corner, all to her lonesome-something she had longed for since the beginning of middleschool- unfortunately however, she did have to stand up, stalk her way to the teacher, and introduce herself,
Her vocals smooth, soft like silk, calming and quiet, yet firm.
"My name is Akashi Kirosuki."
It created muttering, yet she examined quietly, even when she had to continue.
"I hope we can get along."
She'd be lying if she said she didn't find something interesting, gold eyes piercing her own in a way that screamed how unworthy she was, he had dyed his hair as well, though it looked home made, much like hers yet way worse, with an undercut and a sly grin, she could tell;
He was trouble

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