provisional - chapter 10

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providing or serving for the time being only; 

existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary.

Isn't it funny how you can love something at one time in your life and find it to be a major pain in the butt at another time? Summer is like that for me. During school, summer was everything. Now that there's no school and my sisters are home and need looking after, summer is exhausting. Who knows? Maybe in the future, summer will be something else entirely. How many things that we think we know for sure, are only temporary knowledge like placeholders, until we discover something new? I have no idea but I need to remember to write that question down in case I stumble upon the answer one day.

"I need a ride to Taylor's," Matty informs.

"Can't you walk?"

"Walk? You've been watching too many Gilmore Girls' episodes. You know nobody walks in L.A."


"I also need forty bucks."

"What? Why?"

"Movie, lunch...other odds and ends."

"What odds and ends?"

"I know that Grandma Gayle gives us extra for odds and ends, so I just want my extra."

"Fine. Just finish your lunch."

"I want odd and ends, too." Sara says.

I glare at Matty. "Thanks a lot."

Matty's snark-fest won't last forever, but it's still tiresome. Sara won't be an echo chamber forever, either. They weren't this way before, so that's kind of telling that they won't be this way in the future, right?

Harmony says, "We never need to get caught up on how things are right now because they're only that way right now. And now is already over. Just like that. It's gone. Now is another now. See?" Then she laughs. I'm not sure if she laughs because what she said wasn't true, or if she laughs because it is.

Matty puts her dirty dish in the sink and then comes toward me with her hand opened. "Two twenties will be fine."

I think I'd like some of that change right about now. 

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