Chapter 3

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The sunlight shines through the window in my dorm waking me up. I'm not in a rush to get up this morning since now I feel a bit better if I happen to run into Draco. Maybe he isn't as bad as people make him out to be, maybe he just needs someone to care about him. I sit on the edge of my bed and rub my eyes taking my time to wake up. After a few minutes I hop off my bed and get changed into my uniform, I grab my book bag and head downstairs to go to the Great Hall. When I walk in I see Fred and George at the Gryffindor table, they wave me over to them. I look over at the Slytherin table and see Blaise and Draco talking. I grip the strap of my book bag, look over at Fred and George and give them a warm smile and shrug as I then turn to go sit at my house table. I sit down next to Blaise, with Draco and Goyle across the table from us. "Good morning boys." I say cheerfully, grabbing some food. They all reply back with their good mornings and then go back to the conversation they were having. I sit quietly, eating my breakfast as I listen to them talk about the Quidditch match this Saturday against Gryffindor. "Will you be there Kaylee?" Blaise asks, turning to me. I finish eating the food in my mouth. "Umm yeah I think so." I say nodding my head. I'm just about done with my breakfast when Draco stands up from the table. "Are you coming Kaylee?" He says, looking down at me. Surprised at the fact he's talking to me, I move my head up to look at him. "Uh yeah, let's go." I say standing up from the table. The two of us walking down the length of the Great Hall on opposite sides of the table. We then walk side by side once we reach the end of the table before we walk through the tall doors of the Great Hall. There's an awkward silence at first, I fidget with the strap of my book bag unsure of what to say to him. Is he actually going to stick to his word of being nicer to me? "So about that match on Saturday." He begins to say. "Yeah?" I ask turning to look at him. "It'd be cool to have you there. I'm the Seeker for our team." He says proudly. "Yeah I'll be there." I say, giving him a smile. "My dad was on the Gryffindor team when he was my age." I say trying to keep the conversation going. "Who would want to play for a team other than Slytherin?" He asks in disgust. "My father." I snap at him. "Ugh Gryffindor's." He says shaking his head. "Wasn't one of your relatives a Hufflepuff? The one with the weird creatures? Even worse than a Gryffindor." He says, looking over at me. "You're such an ass Draco! My great grandfather was an incredible man who helped teach others about all the amazing creatures we have in the Wizarding world. Don't you dare be disrespectful." I yell at him, a few people in the hallway turning to look at us. My eyes start to fill with tears and I storm off before I start crying in front of Draco. How could he be so rude? I can't believe the things that come out of his mouth. I run to the girl's bathroom, tears blurring my eye sight. Once inside I run over to the nearest sink, with my hands on either side of it, leaning down as my tears fall and hit the white porcelain. I hear some girls coming into the bathroom so I try to quickly wipe my tears. "Kaylee? Why the hell are you crying? You're so damn sensitive." I turn to see Pansy standing there with a couple other Slytherin girls with her. "Oh shut the fuck up would you?" I spit back. I start to rush out of the bathroom, bumping my shoulder against Pansy as I leave. I can't stand to be in the same room as Draco right now so I head out of the castle towards Hagrid's hut. I make it down there before all his students have arrived and he's still inside his hut. I knock on the door, when he opens it the look on his face shows he knows I'm upset. "Kaylee, what's wrong?" He asks, looking down at me. I don't even say anything as tears start to stream down my face again. He puts an arm around me, ushering me inside. "Have a seat, I'll make us some tea." He says, rummaging around for all the items. I take some deep breaths and compose myself before speaking. "It's Draco and some of the other Slytherin's." I say looking down at my lap. "What has he done now? That boy is always upsetting someone." He says, turning around to look at me. "He was insulting my father for being a Gryffindor and my great grandfather for being a Hufflepuff and said he was weird having all the creatures." I say, tears brimming in my eyes again. "Oh don't you listen to a word he says. They were both incredible men. Your great grandfather changed the minds of so many wizards on all the creatures. You have that same love for them too, I can tell." I look up at Hagrid and give him a small smile. "Now I have to get out there to teach class, but you're more than welcome to stay here and keep Fang company. I will understand if I don't see you in class later." He says as he sets a cup of tea down on the table next to me. "Thanks Hagrid." I say smiling. I pick up my cup of tea and go over to sit next to Fang, he lays his head in my lap as I pet him. Once the class is over I thank Hagrid again and head back towards the castle to go to my next class. "Kaylee?" I turn around and see Ron, walking quickly towards me. "Why'd you skip Potions?" He asks looking at me, seeing my red puffy eyes from crying. "What happened?" He asks worried. "It's nothing, just Draco being Draco. I'll see you later." I say as I walk past him, towards my next class. The rest of my classes pass by quickly, I keep my head down as I walk the halls in between them. When it comes time for Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid, I decide not to go. Instead I make my way to the Slytherin common room and up to my dorm, I get Jewels out of her cage and I put her in the pocket of my robe. I leave the common room and go towards the owlery to see if I've gotten a letter back from my parents. Sure enough there is a letter waiting for me, I'm nervous to open it not wanting to know what they have to say about me being sorted into Slytherin.

       Our dearest Kaylee,
We were shocked to hear you were sorted into Slytherin, but seeing as you are a Pureblood child it does make some sense. We just hope you're happy in your house. Still try to stay away from Draco Malfoy as best you can, we hope you don't have any classes with him. Things here at the Ministry have been busy, but we are both safe. How are you liking your classes? Have you made any other friends? How is Jewels doing? We miss you and love you so much!

I grab a piece of parchment, quill and ink pot from my bag to write a response. I sit down against a wall and put Jewels in my lap as I write the letter. I put my things away, pick up Jewels, stand up and put her back in my robe pocket. I attach the letter to an owl and hurry down to the Great Hall to eat quickly before I run into anyone I know. I sit by myself at the end of the Slytherin table closest to the doors. I poke at my food, not having much of an appetite. I eventually take a few bites and then head back to my dorm. When I take Jewels out of my pocket to put her away she's holding a small silver teaspoon. I laugh and roll my eyes, she's such a sneaky little creature. I put her away and get changed. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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