Parallel Dimension

844 11 15

(We see the whole crew with Whimpu talking to them)

Whimpu: Guys, I'm gonna be gone for a few days, and need to leave one of my important inventions here with you guys.

SMG4: But why here?

Whimpu: I'm too worried that someone's gonna break into my home and steal it.

SMG4: Okay.

Whimpu: Now, there are some rules to this.

Saiko: Oh boy.

Whimpu: Rule one: Do not activate it. Rule two: Only touch it if you're gonna move it. Rule three: Do not break it. Rule four-

Bob: OkAy! We GeT iT! kEeP mArIo FaR aWaY fRoM yOuR iNvEnTiOn!

Mario: What!? He wasn't saying that!

Bob: YeAh, BuT yOu'Re ThE oNlY pErSoN wHo WoUlD bE dUmB eNoUgH tO mEsS wItH iT!

SMG4: Yeah, I have to agree with Bob on this.

Luigi: Bob's right, bro. You are the one who is most likely to mess with it.

Mario: Oh yeah! I'll prove I won't mess with it! Starting... NOW!

(Mario goes into a random room)

Whimpu: Well with Mario gone, I guess I gotta get going, since I know to trust you guy to not touch it.

Belle: Yeah, you can trust the rest of us to not touch it.

Whimpu: Well, I'll see you in a few days.

(Whimpu left the castle)

Fishy Boopkins: Hey... What do you think that thing does anyway?

Tari: No idea.

Meggy: We probably should of asked him first.

Saiko: Well, I guess we have to wait for him to come back to tell us. Because none of us are that dumb to actually mess with it.

(All of them went into separate rooms except for Bob, he just stared at the device)

SMG4: Bob, you're not thinking of messing with it, are you?

Bob: WhAt!? Of CoUrSe NoT! i JuSt SaId MaRiO wOuLd Be ThE oNlY oNe WhO wOuLd Be DuMb EnOuGh To MeSs WiTh It!

SMG4: It just seems like you were gonna do something.

Bob: WeLl I wAsN't!

SMG4: Okay. Just checking.

(The all leave Bob alone in the room)

Bob: HmM...

(Bob walks up to the invention)

Bob: MaYbE... i CaN jUsT nUdGe It... NoThInG tHaT bAd If I nUdGe It, RiGhT?

(Bob slightly nudges the invention)

Bob: NoThInG.

(Bob starts to walk away from the invention, when a portal open behind him)

Bob: Oh Sh*t! NuDgInG iT wAs A bAd IdEa!

(Bob tries to run away but gets sucked into the portal)


(Bob sees a guy who look similar to him go by him)

Bob: WhO tHe F*Ck ArE yOu!

Bob?: wHo Am I? wHo ArE yOu?

(Bob lands on the other side of the portal and hits a wall)

Bob: Ow! My OvArIeS!

(Bob looked around the room to see he was still in the castle or what looked similar to the castle)

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