Good day

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I walk out, I look at the outfit I was wearing. Black skinny jeans, a black crop top, a black and white plaid flannel, and black shoes.

I shove my hands in the jean pockets as Lennox and Ironhide look at me. I roll my eyes as neither of them speak and just stare at me, "Alright, alright. What's the plan?" I asked, walking over to them.

Ironhide didn't reply, just stared at me, "Where heading out. We can get breakfast, then figure it out from there." Lennox spoke.

I nodded, "Alright, are we ready then?" I questioned, glancing at both of them for a second then to the door.

I grabbed a couple of strands of my hair from the bun a had, playing with each, twisting them around my fingers as I wait for an answer, "Right now." Lennox said before he turned and walk out the door.

I follow him as Sia hurried up to him, Ironhide's holoform had already dissapeared. I walk over to his Alt and open the back door, I help Sia in before I get in myself.

I sit lay down as Sia laid on my legs, "I swear, this outfit reminds me too much of high school." I smile as I say a loud.

Lennox looked at me, "You never talk about high school." He mentioned suspiciously.

I sighed, "It sucked, like, senior year especially. I hated it." I scoff as I recall the living hell.

Lennox chuckled, "Well talk about it, it couldn't have been that bad." He challenged.

I smile, "Parties, a lot of parties. Worst one was when someone made me eat like, three brownies. All I can say, was I accidentally ate weed brownies. Then my heavy drinking in top of that, yeah, not the most fun." I smiled at the memory.

Lennox seemed entertained so I continue, "Actual school was okay, I guess. We all had a certain.. Name..? Mine was Mitchelle, others called me Heather too. Michelle, was practically you're an asshole and everyone is scared of you. Heather, was the prettiest person. I probably earned that from my style and my hair that would change colors twice a month." I scoff at the last part, I missed high school, a bit, not much.

I roll my eyes at myself, "I used to wear worse then this in high school, trust me. It was just the fun of looking like a whore." I giggled, smiling brightly at the good memories.

I frown, "Then someone tried to frame me for murder, that was a load of hell. It all ended up going away months after I was framed, they owned up to it." I cringe, "The scene wasn't the prettiest. Blood splattered on the wall, there head was bashed in, several cut wounds, then there mouth carved into a smile." I shivered. Sia got off of me as I sit up, I don't know why that was still in my memories, I had shoved it away all those years ago.

I lean back into the seat, I felt the seat belt wrap around me. But I didn't say anything, it was kinda like a hug, but not? I felt myself sink into the, hug? I crossed my legs on the seat and let myself rest. Not fall asleep though, I wouldn't let myself.

I softly hum, I didn't exactly know the song, but I knew enough to hum it. I blink my eyes open, huffing lightly at how tired and sore my body was. It must have been from last night, running through the forest for hours and making it miles really does suck.

I stare out the window, I missed high school. Even if half the people where drug addicts, I had some good friends. We would sneak out, no one would ever know, or if they did they didn't care. But, we would all hope in one of my friends cars, usually Norths jeep. North was my closest friend, along with Blue, Taylor, and Jasmine. We would have the doors and top off, it was always the summer, we would be speeding down the highway blasting music. Thoes where the best years of my life, until all of them either died or moved out. But, I was trapped here.

I shift a slight bit, pushing the memory out of my mind. I didn't need these memories ruining my day, cause here I had Ironhide and Lennox.

Today was going to be a great day, no doubt about it.

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