Truth Untold

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As promised, Harry was waiting for Ginny at Flourish n' Blotts.

Only it had been 5 hours since he had been waiting yet his determination to get the truth was undeterred.

I waited for her,going out to walk along the street for some while before coming back.

He was walking along the street when someone grabbed his arm and pulled him into an alleyway.

He was about to yell but the person put a hand on his mouth.

"Be quiet"the person hissed to him and he recognised it to be Ginny.

He immediately stopped struggling and Ginny removed her hand

"Will you stop pulling me into alleyways?!" Harry exclaimed to her and she just looked at him blankly.

"Would you rather be spotted by the entire world meeting me? Who knows? maybe it will make the Prophet headlines"Ginny mocked him "Boy-Who-Lived goes down the wrong path,spotted meeting the Dark Princess"she said

He rolled his eyes.

Ginny looked him up and down before saying "You need to disguise yourself"

"Why?" he asked her before flushing as she gave him an obvious look.

She waved her wand and instantly Harry's messy black hair was changed to dirty blonde and his facial features were changed as well.

She nodded satisfied before leading him to Knocturn Alley after changing herself too.

They entered a pub and sat in a corner.

Silenced reigned over their booth and Ginny quietly asked him "How did you know of Blood Cede?"

And so Harry narrated all of the incidents which took place. By the end,he could see Ginnt clenching on the table so tightly that her knuckles were white.

She looked outside and he asked her "So what is Blood Cede?"

Looking over at him,her mind instantly sprang up memories of that torturous night.

"It's a ritual to take over someone's soul"Ginny said "It gives the person who hold the ritual all rights over the participants' soul"

"S-So you...."Harry hesitated not knowing what to assume.

"Yes, Lucius Malfoy has all rights over my soul... everything he says,I'm bound to do it"Ginny said bitterly "That is why I tell you to stay as far away from me as possible. I wouldn't put it past him to tell me to kidnap you or worse,kill you if he found out that we've been meeting"

Harry swallowed "B-But.. you... you,don't you want to stop Lucius Malfoy's control over you?"

Ginny scoffed "That's like asking a child if he wants a chocolate... the answer he'll give is obviously gonna be yes"

"Is there really no way to get rid of it?" Harry asked not being able to phantom having someone's completely having control of your soul. And here was a girl who had lived 16 years in that way.

Ginny never failed to astonish him.

"There is"she replied "I can transfer the control to someone else"she said "But I haven't found someone yet who I want to give control over my soul"

"Anyone is better than Malfoy Sr." he muttered

"Not really"she said "Lucius knows that he needs me... especially now that the Ministry is keeping tabs on him. He won't tell me to do something illegal nor would he kill me because the Dark Lord wants me. He can't perform the Cede on someone else because of the tabs being kept on him.Besides having someone on your beck and call is just too convenient to let go. The safest place I have,as much I despise it,is with Lucius right now"

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