Chapter 30

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Geo and I became, tight again I'm sure you aren't surprised by now. We had been nothing but friends and i shouldn't lie i liked this new Geo. He was very different. He told me he was seeing someone and it was pretty serious and i was happy for him. He promised me that i would meet her soon. He said they met back at home but they were just friends since he was with Candy so when that ship sank i guess he started seeing this girl.

"Geo tell me what's her name" I said as i chased him around his room trying to get his phone.

"No" He stopped running around and Just stood there with his hands up so that i could reach his phone.

"Okay borrow me your phone"


"I need to call Alex?" 

"that's a lame excuse, you can call her on yours"

"Geo?" i gave him my pouted it always worked on him. But this time it didn't. I eventually gave up and sat on his bed and went thru my phone. He started laughing saying.

"Why do you wonna know her so bad?"

"Because you never told me about her"

"Was I suppose to?"

"Yes, I'm your best friend"

"Aww you called me your bestie"

"Go away"
He laughed again.

"You are enjoying this aren't you?" he walked towards me and sat beside me he took out his phone and showed me her pic.

"Her name is Ava. We met by some book store. We both didn't see each other so we bumped into each other I was holding a cup of smoothe so well kinda fell on her i told her in favor of that i buy her one so she could do the same she laughed and we just sorta hang. I honestly didn't we would still talked but ever since she was there for me and now i guess we are a thing"

"Sounds like a movie to me, but that's very sweet I'm glad you are happy" I smiled at him he touched my nose then said.

"Yeah so she's coming, this weekend you gonna meet her."

"Really funny thing is Jesse is coming to see me this weekend"  Geo's eyes widen and then they went back to normal and he said.

"Great then we could have a double date"

"Yeah" I moved closer to him he was still holding his phone out with a picture of Ava so i said

"But Ava though she's very pretty, I like her way better than Candy"


"Yeah" I smiled at him and i could tell he was happy that i approved of Ava.

"So can we like work on our project cause we still have a long way to go?"

"I'm really drained with school can't we just play our favorite game?"

"Geo i always win you to Mortal Combat, you can't defeat the master"  I said with confidence.

"Gurl please i have won some other games, it's just majority you won and you cheat"

"No i don't"

"You you do, sometimes you like putting your foot on my face so that i can't see like what's that"

"I don't make the rules"

"I'm pretty sure there is a rule about putting your feet on my face whilst we are playing" I started laughing cause i really do cheat sometimes
But overall I'm really better than his ass.

We ended up play Mortal kombat the rest of the day.
Then supper time i told Alex I wasn't gonna come with, i was going to catch dinner with Geo, he went to a restaurant ate we laughed we talked. I almost forgot how fun it was hanging around with Geo, despise everything Geo is great at talking to you could easily connect with him. And i was glad we're talking again.

We finally finished eating and we went back on campus he dropped me off, before i got out of the car he kissed my forehead and said.

"Thank you for existing in my life" I smiled at him and i said.

"Goodnight Geo"

"Night night" he smiled back.

I got out and went in side my dorm, Geo had already left after dropping me off. I got in my room changed into something comfortable for sleeping and started texting Jesse

Jade: Hi babe

Jesse: Hi, how was your day?.
Jade: It was alright. Was just hanging around with
          Geo. Yours?
Jesse: Was alright i was with the boys.
Jade: Awesome. So babe hear me out. Do you think
          it's okay if you and I went on a double date with
         Geo and his girl? I thought it would be great if
          you guys finally meet 🥺👉👈
Jesse: For you babe, i wilk do it😘
Jade: yay thank you, I love you❤️🥺
Jesse: I love you my Jellybean 💕💕💕

We continued texting until one of us blacked out on the other and he was the one that slept first.

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