Chapter 44

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Morning after the finale party
Jade's POV

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping. As soon as i opened my eyes I saw Geo looking at me smiling.

"How long have you been staring at me?"

"About 30 mins"

"ahh you creep" i lightly slapped him. He chuckled and pulled me close and started giving me kisses.




"I can't kiss my girlfriend?"

"i didn't say that"

"then i won't stop" he continued giving me kisses so started kissing him. We finally stopped and now we were just making eye contact in silence. Then he spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me all this time?"

"tell you what" he brushed my  hair behind my ear and said.

"that you still loved me"

"how was I suppose to tell you?"

"I don't know like speak up and tell me what's on your mind you know i told taught you better.

"I just didn't want to ruin your happiness, you know we are toxic for each other."

"don't say that, we aren't toxic, I was happy because you were part of my life again but i wasn't complete all i ever want is you no matter what. Jesse told me how you still felt" my eyes widen i moved a bit and I fell from the bed. Geo rushed and looked at me holding his hand out.

"Are you okay?"

"No, why did he tell you?"

"can we talk about this when you back on the bed?"

"No" i slapped his hands off, of me.


"No that's Embarrassing"

"I don't think it's embarrassing, i think it was brave for him to tell me, considering his feelings for you"

My hands where against my head as i was thinking of why he would do that. Geo moved of the bed and sat down facing me I looked up and he was staring at me smiling, then he pulled me and hugged me.

"Lets forget about it if you don't want me to talk about, but know that I'm glad he told me because i would have never had the courage to tell you how i still feel about you"

I didn't say anything and just hugged me back. He then carried me as he stood up and laid me on the bed, he went over me to the other side of the bed and   tucked my hair behind my ear, his hand went back and fourth on my cheek, then leaned closer and kissed me. His kiss was gentle and innocent. Then he pulled out and looked at me.

"Geo i have something to tell you"

"Oh yeah? Shoot"

"Remember the night you told me, it was your last time coming after me?"


"You remember throwing away the promise ring?"

"Oh yeah, damn that ring was expensive"

"Well i picked it out when you black out. I wanted to give it back but i knew you would throw it away again"

"Its not worth it"


"Its not worth it, i was actually thinking of getting you a new one"

"But i like my old one"

"Then keep it, But I'm still getting you a new one"


"Jade don't try to talk me out on it I'm not gonna listen to you"

"then i will donate it to charity"

"Then i will buy another one and another one until you stop giving them away"

"why can't you just ask me to marry you?"

"Maybe I'm working on it"

"What if i say no?"

"Then imma kill myself"

"No you won't"

"No i won't"  I hit him because i thought he would say yes he would but instead he agreed & started laughing, then pulled me ontop of him.

"You are the most amazing woman i have ever met"

"you aren't so great, but i love you anyway"

"I will take it" he pulled me into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my butt and squeezed them. he slid his hands inside my panties  then started fingering me, i moaned to the feeling of pleasure then He thrust gently and then pulled his hand out. He pulled me off of him and got out of the bed and walked away.

"Geo what are you doing?"

"I am giving back for all the times i couldn't touch you like that and the times you teased me."

"Dammit Geo you are so evil"

"I love you to babe"

He took his towel and went out i took the pillow and covered it on my head and screamed. Because i was so into having sex and he decides to just tease me like that.

after is got clean we both went to my dorm so that i could shower and we could just go out and chill that was basically how our day went.

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