"Chapter Five"

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Jimin's POV

Jimin, the most attractive guy inside the campus, was waiting for his friend Jin.

Jin was the rightful heir of the McBright Holdings Corp. He is elegant, but arrogant kind of guy.

Jimin on the other hand was just a simple guy. He came from a rich family, but he never depended on his parents' money.

All that he have, from his house, car and everything that he uses came from his own wallet.

Jin came unnoticed by Jimin. He tapped his shoulder and said, "Hey hey hey. You seem to be lost on your thoughts. Any problem at work?"

"You're absolutely right. Their expectation is too high for me." he said sounding so problematic.

"Hey come on, I told you it would be hard. It's your parents' company. You should expect that from them. And more to come." Jin said tapping Jimin's shoulder.

"Thanks bro, I'll do anything to stay independent." he smiles and added "Lets go. Jane is waiting for us at the gym."

Jane Skywood the second rank of the elite circle right after the Petrovas'.

She's waiting for the boys at the entrance of the gym. Wearing her gym attire. After a few more minutes, she saw Jin and Jimin coming.

"Where the hell have you been guys? You're already late." Jane said irritably.

She's a hot headed girl. The complete opposite of Katarina Petrova. I can compare her to a devil glaring in anger.

"Come on now, don't be rude. Jimin here got a problem." Jin said

"Oh sorry, I didn't know. Work problems right?" She said looking at Jimin's expression.

"Yes it is. Well let's just tire ourselves with work out okay? I need to divert my attention to anything." Jimin said sighing.

"Okay then enough talking guys. Let's go inside and do the works." Jin said smiling at them.

The three of them worked out for at least two hours. They sweat and sweat. But for them it's nothing. Healthy life style as they say.

They were about to leave when Rm, and Liane arrived almost at the same time.

"Liane what brings you here?" Jane asked looking shocked. It is the first time she saw Liane going to work out.

"Do you know each other Liane?" Jimin asked looking at Rm.

"No, not really." she answered coldly. It's all okay until two more arrived.

It seems like they are in the movies. The superstar came and everything went slow.

It is Eloisa and Katarina. The two are busy chatting joyfully until they saw the cluster of people at the entrance of the gym.

Jimin greeted them first. "Hello Kat how are you? It's been few days since I saw you. Are you going to work out too?"

"Hey Jimin. I'm good and you? I can see you're with Jin and Jane." Kat replied giving them all a smile.

"I'm good, feeling better now." Jimin replied.

Eloisa on the other hand was eyeing Liane. Liane is busy smirking and sending sharp looks at Kat.

"Hey you, yes you why are you looking like that at Kat? Do you have any problems with her? I don't like how you look at her." El said glaring at Liane.

"What are you talking about? And who the hell are you anyway? You look like a maid servant." Liane answered then told Kat, "Kat where did you get your servant. She looks like she came from garbage can."

"Don't you dare insult my friend that way! If she came from the garbage, then how bout you? Look at what you're wearing. It's not appropriate to what your destination requires. You know what place your clothing is appropriate with? To the night club. You look like a bar girl anyway." Kat answered in rage.

"Whoo! Cut the tension now guys, before it gets worst." Rm joined in.

"El come on. You don't need to wrestle words with that brat." Kat said taking El to her arms.

"Oh really, she's a brat. What a shame. I may not be as rich as you and the other elite here but I've never been a brat." Eloisa said proudly.

Rm, Kat, and Eloisa walked towards the front desk of the gym and left them behind. While Liane was still stuck on her feet. Kat looked at them and shouted, "Jin, Jimin, Jane sorry bout that. I just can't hold my temper anymore. See you guys later." she waved them goodbye and went inside.

Jin, Jane, and Jimin didn't say another word and left Liane on her own. They don't need someone like her to be with.

She's way much horrible than what they thought she could be.

On the contrary, Jimin never imagined Kat to be that angry. It's the first time to see her stand for a friend.

He imagined his self being one of her close friend. On the other side, Jin and Jane was doing the same so they walked in silence.

Jane broke the silence and said, "I haven't seen Kat like that before. I didn't know she have that kind of fierceness inside her. What do you guys think if we are close to her?"

"Exactly what I'm imagining right now." the two boys answered in unison.

They arrived at the parking lot. Jin said "You know what guys, Kat was way more hot when she's angry. Liane is nothing compared to her."

"I agree with you Jin. She's a brat trying hard to be the second Kat." Jane said with a grin.

"From what I can see, she's jealous with Kath. But I don't get the reason why." Jimin added

"So, enough of this and let's all go home. Jane I'll drive you home okay?" Jin said

"No, Jin thank you. I brought my car with me. I'll drop by to my parents' house before going home." Jane answered.

The three of them part ways. Jimin went home directly.

When he arrived, he saw an envelope with a note. It says:
(Revise this plan and send me your revision by the end of the week. By:Dad)

He breathed deeply and sighed. Jimin opened the door, carrying his things and the envelope.

He sat on his couch, opened some whisky and drink. It's his companion when he feels like alone.

He shut the day off by taking a shower and going to bed early.

*End Chapter 5*

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