"Chapter Twenty One"

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Bonding To Know"

   Wednesday morning it is, when Jane decided to swim at the school's swimming area.

   She just wants to put every stress out of her body.

   Jane took a shower, and now stretching beside the pool when V arrived.

   "You're here. It's been a long time since the last time I saw you here." V said to get her attention.

*looks at him with a sad smile*

   "Oh yeah, I know. Sorry I haven't noticed your arrival. I have lots on my mind." said she

*looking curious*

   "Is there anything wrong? Would you like to share it with me? Maybe I can help you with it." said V worried.

   (Is it okay if I'll tell him my problem? But we are not that close yet.)

   "I'll think about that. Haha take a shower and stretch. I wanna play swim race right now." said she smiling.

   "Hmm you sure bout that? I practiced even harder than before. I'll take my revenge then." said V winking at her.

   (Is she hiding her true feelings? I think she's taking the conversation to other direction.)

   "Wait for me then. If I win you'll tell me what's bothering you. Is that a deal?" V said

*silence for awhile*

   "Okay done deal. But I won't let you win. Just like the last time." said Jane with a teasing smile.

   (Is he for real? I just can't tell him yet. So, I can't lose right now.)

   "I'm back. Hope you are ready." said V teasing her with a smirk.

   "Yes I am ready. Ready to beat you again and again." answered she and winks at him.

   They stretched together side by side. They both knew that this would be a hard race.

   (I know she's good but I hope I can defeat her right now.)

   The two of them get ready.

   "Ready? On my mark, Get set and Go!!" shouted V and they dived at the pool.

   First race would be freestyle. And Jane was leading the race.

   He is determined to win. He can see in her eyes that she is having a problem.

   However, Jane was so good in freestyle. His not confident that he'll win this freestyle race.

   After a few more minutes, the result is clear. He is defeated again.

   "So I got the first round. I just have to win another round and the deal is off." said she confident that she'll win the next round.

   "I won't let you win the second race. For the second race let's do butterfly." V said smiling

*she nods in approval*

   "So are you ready? In one, two, three, Go!!" she shouted the cue this time.

   They dived and swim in butterfly style.

   (Oh come on, I forgot I'm not really comfortable with the style. I'll lose this round for sure.)

   The result of the second round is on V's side. The score is now even.

   "So may the best swimmer win?" said V smiling.

   "Yeah I know. Let's mix it on the third round. Freestyle and butterfly all together." said Jane

*both look nervous*

   "So are we set? In three, two, one Dive!!" shouted both of them and dived.

   The first half goes to Jane but the game went to V for the other half of the game.

   In short, the result is that V won the deal.

   "So, I think you don't have other choice but to tell me what's bothering you." V said looking concern.

   "Yes I guess you are right. Don't you have any other classes to attend to?" she said trying to escape.

*smiles at her giving her a knowing look*

   "Nope. I got all the time in the world for you." said V making her smile

   (Why is he acting like that? I just figure out that he is attractive. Why I haven't notice it before?)

   "Let's shower and dry ourselves so we can talk somewhere else." Jane said looking sad again.

*End Chapter 21*

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