The Queen

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The Snow Queen sat on her throne of ice, watching over her frozen subjects. Her blue lips curved into a smile as she watched the sculptures do her bidding.

Her vision was tinged with red, and in her eyes, the only beautiful things was the ice.

She loved it. She loved the way the ice was perfectly cut. She loved the way the ice was smooth and cool to the touch. She loved the way that she controlled it all, with just one push, she could break them.

She frowned thinking upon her lost doll, Kai. His disgusting sister had defeated her powerful spell with the power of love. Oh, how she hated that horrid word. For while all the world believed that it if you had it, then you would be truly happy, she knew that only power could satisfy your needs.

"Your Majesty?" asked the monotonous voice of a man.


The Snow Queen's chest suddenly began to hurt as she heard the voice of the man. For reasons she couldn't identify, she felt a surge of emotion towards him. Nonetheless, she managed to remain her cold and stoic expression as she turned towards the ice man.

"What is it, Alexander? I am busy right now trying to strengthen my power, so make it quick."

"I just wished to tell you that we have caught the boy, Kai, and his sister, Greda. Would you like for me to bring them in?"

The Snow Queen smiled at the thought of punishing both of them.

"Yes, please."

"Right away, Snow."

Her eyes widened.

That name.

She fell out of her throne and collapsed to the ground. She clutched her head for a rush of pain was running through it. She could feel forgotten memories pushing their way through a wall, she had unconsiously built. She tried to keep them out. She didn't want to remember her past. She didn't need to. But she couldn't stop them.

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