Chapter Two

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Christine had been fourteen when her mother returned to her souls' home forever. It was near the end of summer. Christine's family was out on a nighttime pleasure cruise through the Norwegian sea, enjoying the night air, and the sea beneath them. The sky was beginning to darken in a way that mean rain, and maybe even wind. Charlotte was adamant about going for a swim, just as the rain started. "But it's beginning to rain, Lotte...." "So I'll get wetter! What can happen?" She'd laughed, kissing his cheek. Gustave muttered something, as the rain started to fall harder. "I can barely see. Lotte, don't go swimmin' tonight." Gustave begged. Charlotte consented with a sigh, "You worry too much. But I suppose I can wait."

They sailed on, as the weather worsened. "Christine, love, go below deck. It's safer there." Christine sighed, tiptoeing downstairs. The weather got worse, making Christine worry. She risked her father's disapproval, and any punishment, to resurface. The sky was black with rain, Gustave and Charlotte were at the wheel, trying to steer through the storm. Lightning cracked, blinding Christine. She shuddered, thinking her parents should be below deck, as should she. The boat rocked dangerously. Christine stumbled, falling flat on the deck. Waves rolled against the boat, making it tip precariously. Christine whimpered, clinging to the boat railing. Lightning flashed again, lighting up the sky, making it look purple as an eggplant. A wave, bigger than the others, impacted with the boat, making it tip to one side. All three Daaé's rolled off the boat, into the water.

Gustave was barely able to save his daughter, and he swore an extra pair of hands aided him in getting her back on the boat. Gustave carried Christine's unconscious body to the tumbled under quarters, settling his daughter on the bed, pumping her lungs until she coughed up enough water to fill a glass fishbowl. She opened her eyes briefly, then closed them again, settling back down to sleep. Gustave quietly left his daughter, going back to the surface. He searched the deck, and the waters for Lotte, even jumping back in the water and searching for her. All he found was her silk scarf, stained red. He climbed out of the water, and saw a circle of red half a mile out. He let his sobs flow freely, before trying to sail on.

When Christine asked about her mother the next day, Gustave whispered, "Christine, your mother—" he stopped, choking back tears, " Your mother's been claimed by the sea again. She's finally found Atlantis." "We won't see her again on this plane of existence, will we?" Christine asked quietly, silently crying. "No, Fish, we won't." Christine nodded numbly. "We won't forget her, Fish. If we remember her, she won't fade, we'll have her with us." Gustave murmured, pulling her close. 

The Little Angel (Completed one-shot's in "Love Me". On hiatus. possibly 4ever)Where stories live. Discover now