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Sleep was just what Dipper needed. He slept completely through the day and mostly through the night, his hearing peaked and woke up to the sound of creaking floorboards. He knew it was Stan, his footsteps were extremely obvious. He followed from behind, remaining unseen from corners and in between deep doorframes.

Stan slowly headed down and out to the forest. Without stopping Stan shifted to wolf form tearing his clothes in the process letting out a growl and ran into the night. With Dipper closely behind without ruining his shorts, changed to wolf form and chased after him. Stan was much faster than Dipper so it took a lot to keep up, when he couldn't, he used his sense of smell to track him. It took a couple of hours but he managed to find Stan hanging around Greasy's Diner.

Of course, he would go there Dipper thought. The smell of the food was intoxicating.

He stepped closer to the diner he could hear the growls of another wolf, Stan was rummaging through the garbage looking for leftover food. Keeping his guard up, he slowly made his way toward stan, he tried to say something funny but didn't as he noticed something off.

Stan looked up but it wasn't him, his eyes had a glowing aura to them and he seemed more beast than the man that ran the Mystery Shack. Stan came closer to Dipper in a hunting stance, ready to pounce. Since Dipper had done this before he knew how to dodge his attacks, he avoided a swipe to the chest and managed to get stan to follow him away from prying eyes and deep into the forest.

It was difficult for Dipper to not be chased down as Stan was very fast and nearly nipped Dipper's tail. He leads him to the first place he saw Stan transform and kept him there, they circled each other.

Stan raced towards Dipper, fangs bare and ready to bite and nearly succeeded, some of his furs were clipped off and tore some skin on his lower right rib. He tried to snap again but Dipper dodged and swiped at Stan. He did manage to hit him in the shoulder where he had last time and managed to tear the skin and made Stan start to limp. It was enough for Dipper to run back to the Mystery Shack and get to the hole under the porch that leads to Ford's lab.

Gruncle Ford was stunned to see Dipper still in wolf form but clutching his right side with his left arm. Ford went to get his first aid kit and ask who did this to him, Dipper only had enough strength to change his vocal cords to whisper, "Stan" then felt himself collapse and fall unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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