Chapter 1

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Hyakkaou Private Academy. About to celebrate its 122nd anniversary, this school prides itself on tradition and prestige.

"I raise you! Ten chips!"

It's a school unlike any other.

"Mm~? Is that so?"


"I raise you. Two hundred chips," a male with h/c hair said with a smirk, pushing his chips forward.

"W-What? T-Two hundred...?!"

"Mushibami-san. Do you wish to raise?"


Erimi's gaze drifted up, meeting a pair of steel-grey eyes. They belonged to a girl with shoulder-length silver hair. The girl leaned forward, narrowing her eyes on Erimi. "I said... Do you wish to raise?"

"I-- I-I--"

This school--

"What's wrong, Erimi~?"

She slowly turned her head towards the deep voice, her eyes accidentally making eye contact with (e/c) ones. She jolted feeling his gaze pierce right through her. The male leaned his cheek against his fist, his smirk widening. "Poor thing~ You're shaking~ Even after all that big talk."

His playful demeanor vanished and became serious. It sent cold shivers down the spines of everyone in the room except the silver-haired dealer.

"You've got some nerve."

"All bets have been made. Now..."

--Is centered completely around gambling.


But this isn't where everything started. It started...when one of the sons of the most powerful Yakuza leader transferred to our school. His Y/N L/N.


"Master Minoru and the Kumicho sent me to relay a message. The decision has been finalized. Master Y/N will be the next successor."

"What? But--" a woman with blonde hair said before she was cut off by a menacing glare that was directed her way.

"Miss Sayuri," a man, clad in a suit, said.


"I said, the decision has been finalized."

"I-- I am aware of that, sir. But-- Should not Mistress S/N be the next successor? She is the eldest of--"

"Miss Sayuri, the decision has been made. Master Y/N is set to inherit L/N Enterprises as well as being named the next Kumicho."


"If you have a problem with it, take it up with Master Minoru and the Kumicho. I was only sent to inform the family members who had not attended the meeting. The ceremony is to be held in two weeks. I trust that you will inform Mistress S/N and Master Daisuke of the news."

With that, the man turned on his heel and left, entering a sleek black limo. Miss Sayuri watched as the limo drove off shortly.

"This can't be..."

Just then, a white limo entered through the metal gates of the estate. It circled around a large fountain before halting to a stop in front of it. A man in a hat stepped out, wearing his suit very neatly. His gloved hands reached for the car handle and pulled the door open. A woman with snow-white hair and porcelain skin was inside. The man helped her step out of the car, taking her hand in his gloved one.

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