𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖍

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        His face was almost white as if he had seen a ghost. The dark elf was a sheer mess of him. He then glanced at his father's sword. The blade shimmered in the fire light of the torches that hung upon the walls. Fällterk then saw his face within the blade. He let out a low growl for he was not worthy to bear the sword of his father. His father was a good man but the dark elf knew that he, himself would never be that man. He was a creature of Porlörk and was a despised race. He was cursed for all his time and was burdened with taking up his father's throne.

        Outside the hall came a shriek of terror. Of course it was certain that the sound was of terror. No doubt about that. Fällterk jumped from his place and ran outside of the hall not before long he realized he had left his father's sword within the cracks of the broken stone floor. He then remained to head back to the once royal chamber was stopped by the shriek again. He did reclaim his sword and ran toward the sound of terror.

Outside the castle of Blandorë, an army stood equipped with the deadliest weapons in Kortain. It was the army of Linten, the Wandue king of East-Porlörk. Wandorian soldiers held spears with poison blades and swords of Rotarian steel hung from their sides. Their armor was stronger than the sharpest and thickest steel ever made. Their bodies could not be pierced with the sharpest blade.

Fällterk took an arrow from its quiver and placed it within his bow. He carefully drew the string back and placed his hand at his jaw. His eyes them met the leaders horse. It was not Linten who commanded the army but Matork, Malöre's brother. He was dressed in Rotarian armor and held Rotokän's sword of fire. The black metal plates of his armor clanked against his horses coverings. Matork smiled for he then saw Fällterk upon the castle wall top.

The dark elf was surrounded with an army of Blandorian soldiers all armed with quivers of arrows and sheathed swords.Fällterk left his grip from the bow string as the arrow flew across the valley. Matork laughed as he ducked from the black shaft. Matork then drew his own shaft and placed it upon the bow he carried. His horse halted as it turned its body towards Fällterk. Matork drew his shaft further back and placed his hand on his jaw line. He smiled as he left his grip fly from the string. Fällterk's eyes met the advancing arrow as he caught the shaft within his hands.

        His claws dug into its wooden figure as he snapped it. The dark elf growled slightly as he turned towards Matork. Alagorn turned towards his friend as he eyed the elf. Fällterk starred into Alagorn's eyes as Alagorn nodded. Fällterk lifted his sword and yelled in Kortain speech, "Afrä, manön, keyä lon!" The Blandorian soldiers held their bows up towards the sky as they drew back their arrows. Fällterk lowered his sword signaling the soldiers to release. Thousands of arrow shafts flew through the skies as they landed in the necks of the Wandorian soldiers. Each falling upon the ground surrounding themselves with pools of blood. The Blandorian soldiers roared in victory as Fällterk held his sword once more.

Matork slid a slight frown on his face as he lifted his sword. Blood was drawn from his hand as he roared in anger. Fällterk lowered his sword as he saw the Wandue's advancing towards him. His eyes grew to red as the Wandue's wrath fell upon the castle walls. The Blandorian soldiers fear creeped through them as the enemy ascended over the walls. Swords collided and arrows flew as both armies fought for their lives. Fällterk slashed at enemies as Matork made his way towards him.

Fällterk's eyes blazed bright red as his sword quarreled against many others. Flames bolted from his blade and ignited the enemies' eyes. Roars of pain shook the castle walls instigating a massive charlatan within the walls. The charlatan shook the enemy from the walls as they fell upon the ground. Blood was running red from their cadavers as more climbed the wall. 

Death gripped them as soldiers fell from the wall into pools of blood. Rain poured down from the heavens and covered the battle field in mud. The stench of death swept across the castle walls and covered all in the blackness. Fällterk reached for an arrow in his quiver as more enemies clawed their way up the walls. He placed it within his bow as he slowed his breathing. His hand moved back towards his face and relased the poison head.

Eyes of red creeped over the brick wall as a Wandue's head fell upon the arrows front. The charlatan shook the walls of the castle as the Wandue fell upon an open spear. His blood poured from his gut as his eyes faded to white. Death followed the rest of his kind as Fallterk slayed Matork with s swing of sword. The Wandue's head flew from its body and landed at the enemies feet. They looked away in fear as Fallterk lifted his blood ridden sword into the air. A cry of victory overcame him as the enemy retreated into the South.

 Alagorn stood slowly as his side bled out from the piercing of a Wandue blade. He too gave a cry of victory as Fällterk rushed over to him. He wrapped the king's wounds and carried him into the fortress of Blandore. Fällterk paced in front of the infirmary as the king was being tended too. Thoughts of hatred and regret filled him as the necklace around him glowed. His hand grasped it as it began to feel heavier on his neck.

Fällterk collapsed in the faded darkness of the halls as the light of the necklace consumed him. His eyes closed as his hand fell from his neck and landed upon the stone floor. He was alone and afraid, never had he ever felt fear in his life. He was taught to never feel fear only to survive and the instinct to kill those who oppose a threat to him.

Fällterk opened his eyes to what it seemed to be the Heavens. Gates of gold stood greatly before him. A trumpet played in the distance as a man in white appeared at the Gate. Fällterk sighed a great deal as the man spoke to him, "Fällterk, my son. The time has come for you to know the truth. You are not the son of Fandorrian but the son of Arët, the God of War. Your skill doesn't not just come from the power you possess. It comes from your father and the demon within you." Fällterk sighed once more as the man spoke again. " Fällterk, come and join your father. Come and rule by his side. Come be a God."

Fällterk turned away from the Gate as he watched the war between the mortals commence, "Tell my father to burn in hell." Fällterk lifted a torch from the castle wall and threw it into the air. He smiled evilly, as evil as ones smile can get. 

The man lifted his hand into the air as his eyes turned red, "You shall regret this!" He turned from Fällterk as he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke and his cape dragged behind him.

Fällterk smiled as he regained consciousness and strength. Above in the Heavens, his father Arët, looked down at him with a vendetta.

Clouds above Fällterk circled him and lightening struck down on the castle walls. The walls began to crumble and crack as the lightening grew darker. A spear began to form in the dark clouds of Heaven. The symbol of  Arët, the symbol of war had began to fall upon them. In this one moment, Fällterk finally knew what his fear really meant. 

It wasn't until then that he knew what he must do, Fällterk took up his sword and starred into the eyes of his enemy. In that moment, he lit his sword with the curse of Alakan. Lightening struck the castle walls, the ground opened and fire steamed from the depths of Mt. Killfore. He faced the man in white and pierced the sky with his blade. The grew thick as blood stormed down from the Heavens. The man in white smiled slightly but it soon disappeared as Fällterk charged at him with his blade. 

The two men clashed blades and sparks flew into the darkened sky. Mortals lay dead upon the ground and blood poured from the Heavens upon them. Blandore was seeing its end as it said in the tapestry, but unlike what it had said Fällterk could undo the kingdoms end and put peace into its history. 

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