Dear Lin

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It was just another day.

White cotton-like clouds are displayed in the light blue sky, different kinds of flower bloomed under the sunlight, and the leaves of the trees swayed along with thin branches as gust of wind passes by.

"Good Morning, everyone." Mr. Chad, the professor, greeted as he entered the lively room. A few second passed 'til he continued; "As you all know, there will be a transfer student today."

After Mr. Chad's statement, a petite girl entered the room which made everyone silent; "I'm Andrea Jaylin, nice to meet you."

Ever since the day I met you,

The transfer student, also known as Andrea Jaylin, was assigned to sit behind a weird silent guy; Nathan Dale.

Apparently, the person who should look out on her today was Nathan, who should also guide her and answer her questions regarding the rules and the school.

"Nice to meet you, Dale!" Andrea giggled childishly as she shook hands with Dale, who just nod at her in acknowledgement.

But inside his mind, it was awkward as hell, Who said you could call me Dale?!

I've always wondered...

"What about this?" Andrea asked her companion, Nathan.

Who lazily answered; "This club really doesn't focus on a single goal, but they make anthologies every year for the festival."

"Hmm... How about this room?" Andrea gestured at a locked door with no sign at all.

Nathan again answered, "that's just an extra room."

What your purpose in my life is.

"Where's Lin?" Nathan asked one of Andrea's closest friend, Jane. His mind continued to wonder on where Andrea is.

"You mean Andrea? She said she needs to go home early today, why do you ask though?" Jane replied.

"Nothing, I just have a question." Nathan lied, mentally face-palming.

"I can pass her the question on the phone. If you want, that is." Jane offered, a smile still in her face.

"Nah, no thanks. The question can wait, I'll just have to ask her tomorrow." After that, the two just went on their own.

Everytime I don't see you, I have a feeling of wanting to be beside you.

As time passed by, I already knew that I have feelings for you.

"What are you thinking?" Riz asked her son, seeing Nathan haven't even touched his food.

"It's so deep we could drown." Nathalie joked, earning a laugh from her mother, Riz, and her other brother, Niel.

"Is it a girl?" The asked person flinched upon hearing the question, and that didn't go unnoticed by everyone at the living room.

"So it is a girl!" The young Niel cheered as if it is the most exciting thing that happened to his brother, which it is.

"Heh, Nathan likes someone." Riz joined in teasing Nathan, but it seems he wasn't even affected by it.

"What is she like?!" Nathalie bombarded Nathan with questions about the girl he like. But those questions caught Nathan off guard.

My siblings and my Mother asked me what kind of a person are you. And that struck me that I knew almost nothing about you.

Dear Lin (A Short Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora