Chapter 5: The Sorting Hat

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The professor started calling names, first was Hermione. She got sorted into Gryffindor. I already knew that I did not want to be in there. Then I heard my name. I was a bit scared, and walked to the chair. It felt like everything was going in slow motion while I was walking. I sat down and the professor put the Sorting Hat on me.

"Slytherin" The Sorting Hat immediately said. I didnt even feel the hat touch me, so it must have been a obvious choice. People cheered for me as I walked with pride to the Slytherin table. Both my parents are from Slytherin so they must be proud of me when they hear Im also in Slytherin. After I sat down I didnt real pay that much attention to other people. I did look at Potter when they called for his name.

"Hmm difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage I see. Not a bad mind either. There is talent oh yes. And a first to prove yourself, but where to put you" The Sorting Hat said and I saw Potter mumbling something. I wasnt quite sure what he was saying. "Not Slytherin aye, are you sure? You could be great you know. Its all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness. There is no doubt about that. Oh, well if you are sure. Better be, Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat said. I was a bit angry of the fact that he did not want to be in Slytherin. I mean, people did call it the evil house. But that does not mean we are all evil. Its sad that people just assume those things are true. After Potter Crabbe and Goyle got their names called. Luckily for me they are both in Slytherin. I talked with them, not really paying attention to other people, until Ashley got called. I did hope she got put into Slytherin. She was one of the only people I actually liked. Ashley walked to the chair and I noticed that she was a bit scared by the look of her face.

"A Desmond, I remember your parents. They are great wizards. You seem to be kind and genuine, although you dont mind to put someone in their place. You also love to get what you want, not matter what happens.  This is a very difficult choice, so where should we put you. Alright then, Ill put you in, Slytherin!" And the whole table started cheering loudly for her. I of course, cheered the most for her. I even heard a few kids scream something like, 'we have a Desmond!' She smiled proudly and walked to our table. She sat next to me and gave me a hug.

"I think destiny wants us to be best friends" Ashley said laughing.

"I bet they do" I said with a smile. Maybe this year wasnt going to be so bad after all, while I finally have a friend. Me and Ashley were talking about basically everything, until Dumbledore started talking again.

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" Dumbledore said and flicked his wand. A golden ribbon flew out of the wand and turned into words. That must be the words we had to sing.

"Everyone pick their favorite tune," said Dumbledore, "and off we go!"

Ashley and I put one arm over each others shoulders and started screaming the lines. Ashley was definitely not the best singer, neither was I though.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

  Teach us something please,

  Whether we be old and bald

  Or young with scabby knees,

  Our heads could do with filling

  With some interesting stuff,

  For now they're bare and full of air,

  Dead flies and bits of fluff,

  So teach us things worth knowing,

  Bring back what we've forgot, just do your best, we'll do the rest,

  And learn until our brains all rot. "

Me and Ashley finished at the same, while other people all finished at other times. The Weasley twins were last, while they are singing in a sad tune. Like you would hear on a funeral. It was funny, but I didnt laugh.

"That was absolutely beautiful!" Now everyone go to bed! Dumbledore said while wiping some tears away.

We followed a man with black hair to our dorms. (Omg I forgot who the prefect was and I cant find it anywhere)

"Draco, did you know that you are really good at singing" Ashley complimented me. I chuckled and I moved my head from left to right.

"Im not even that good, Im better than you though. Your singing skills are horrible." I said with a smirk. She looked at me in shock, but it turned into a smile in a second.

"I in fact, have the best singing skills you'll ever see. Listen to me"Ashley said while she started singing a random song that I didnt know.

"Alright youre the best singer I have ever heard in my life, now can you please shut up" I said laughing. That girl was a total disaster if she was singing. I did hope she would stop singing after I told her shes good at it.

"Thank you malfucker, now are we almost there"

"we're keeping the nickname now arent we. I need a nickname for you then" I said thinking of one. "How about shorty"

"Okay, just because youre a bit taller than me, doesnt mean Im actually short" Ashley said looking a bit mad, she did smile though.

"Shut up, youre one of the shortest girls around here." I said and looked at her. She was pretty short.

"Apples with caramel" I heard someone say and a painting opened, revealing a door. "This is where you are going to sleep the next few years. Boys will stay on the left side, while the girls will stay on their right side.. Your stuff is placed on your bed, you can unpack tomorrow. Youll get your schedule tomorrow at breakfast. Please choose a form and then go to sleep" The man with black hair said and walked away. He reminded me a bit of my father, both of them are always pretty serious.

"Well I will see you tomorrow then malfucker" Ashley said and hugged me "Good night"

"Good night shorty" I said and returned the hug. Then we both walked away to our dorm.

Omg I have no idea if anyone writes in wattpad like me, but if u do please answer! So whenever I type " or ' they just dissapear when I ulpoad the chapter. Like I Always type them back after, and then they stay, but it's really annoying ngl

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