Chapter 14: Letters!

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I looked over at Ashley who was cheering for Potter. I knew that she would cheer for him if he won, but it still annoyed me.

"We are leaving, come on Crabbe and Goyle" I said to the others and walked out with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Potter was just lucky this time. He distracted us by his little broom, so he could catch the snitch without anyone noticing." Crabbe scoffed. I knew that this was probably not true, since I saw professor Quirrell. But at the moment I did not care.

"Yea, he was lucky this time. Next time that bloody Potter will lose for sure" I said and walked into the common room.

(a few days later. The part above this was actually supposed to be in the chapter 13. But I forgot to put it in there :) )

I woke up while Hogwarts was covered in snow. It was almost Christmas, then I could go home for a few days. I have to say that I will quite miss Hogwarts, even if it is just for a few days. I never really thought I would love the school as much as I do. Although I might let people think that I hate the school, I really do not hate it that much. I do hate a few people, but not the school in particular.

"Malfoy hurry up, the owls will come back today with their letters" Ashley said while she was running toward the door to leave.

"Why are you so excited? It is just a letter with a few words written on it, it is not that special"

"It is for me. I love to find out what my family is doing while I am gone. I have not seen them for a very long time, I quite miss those bloody idiots" Ashley said and walked out of the door. Crabbe and Goyle followed her, and so did I.

We sat down, and watched owls flying in with letters. Ashley and her friends are one of the first to get their letters. I did not get a letter yet this year. Some got like 1 letter a week. I did hope that maybe I could finally get a letter.

And then I finally got it, my letter. I opened it and started reading.

Dear Draco,

Me and you father are very proud of you getting into Slytherin. I am very sorry for not writing you earlier. Me and your father were both caught up in our work, but I managed to save some time to write this letter. I heard about your friend Ashley, I hope that she wants to spend some time here while you are back home for a few days. It would be lovely to have her over. I also heard about Harry Potter not wanting to be friends. Do not worry about him, we all know that you are better than him. Your father was a bit disappointed in you, for not making friends with Harry. But it is nothing to worry about.

With love, your mother

Of course my father was disappointed in me. He told me he wanted me to be friends with Potter, and I failed him. It is not like he is ever really happy with me. I am more of a disappointment to him than a son.

"Well, what did your parents write?" Ashley asked and looked over at my letter. I quickly put it back and looked over at her.

"Nothing that important. Just that they are proud of me, and that they would love it if you could come over while we are back"

"Yea mine said the same. How about I spend the second day with your family, and you spend the third day with my family. Then we both can spend our Christmas with our own family" Ash said smiling. I was quite happy to hear that her family would want me to come over. Usually that would never happen. But then again, the Desmond family is one of the sweetest families. Which is also why I wondered how Ashley got into Slytherin.

"That is honestly a great idea" I told her and she put on a big smile.

"Okay then that is settled. Will you write your parents back right now?" She asked.

"No I will just tell them when I see them again. I think they are too busy with work right now" I told her and she nodded.

"That is also okay. I will see you later, because I need to write my parents back" Ashley said and walked back to her dorm. I stood up to walk to potions. I did look if Crabbe and Goyle are done eating, which they are.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked them and they nodded. They both stood up and we then walked to the classroom.

We arrived and sat somewhere in the back. Snape walked in and instantly started his lesson. I looked around and noticed that many people did not arrive yet. A few of them being Ashley and her friends.

I put my hand in the air and Snape nodded at me "With all respect sir, many people have not arrived yet. So maybe you should wait for them to be there, before you start with the lesson" But then Ashley and her friends ran in.

"We----Are-----Here." Ashley managed to say while breathing heavily. You could see that she was not used to running.

"I can see that you tried to come in time to my lesson. Please sit down" Professor Snape said and the three of them both quickly sat down. Then someone from Gryffindor walked in.

"I am so sorry that I was late sir, I really had to go to the toilet" The Gryffindor said. Snape looked at her in disgust and I had to hold back my laughter.

"No excuses, five points from Gryffindor" Snape said and continued his lesson.

"But sir-" She tried to say while Snape cut her off.

"I Said No Excuses. Now sit down!" He snapped at her and she ran to her seat and sat down. It was really hard to hold back my laughter, but I did it. Snape continued his lesson, he was explaining how we could make some sort of potion. It was pretty boring so I did not listen most part of it. He then told us to start making the potion.

I was measuring powdered spine of lionfish when I got an idea. "I do feel so sorry, for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home." I said louder than usual, so Potter could hear me. I knew he did cause he glanced over at me, but sadly he ignored it and went one with whatever he was doing.

'Can I borrow some of this" Ashley asked and kicked my leg, while Snape was not looking.

"Ow! That was my bloody foot you bloody idiot. Why in the bloody hell would you do that" I snapped at her and she laughed.

"I told you I do not like it when people are mean to my friends" She said and walked back to her own potion.

Omg I actually had some time to write today. I did rush a bit, so I am very sorry if there are any mistakes in this chapter! I will write the next chapter Friday, so you will probably see it then, or on Saturday!

~Draco Malfoy~ Year 1Where stories live. Discover now