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I thought adding this is funny 😆

                      Y/n POV 

Ok this is it hero training I can do this 
"Here are you teammates Momo and uruaka will be the villains y/n and torodoki will fight first'' all might said "ok torodoki we got this!'' Torodoki said "yeah!''

     As we where in torodoki said "step outside '' I said "no we can't use your ice because then Momo will use her qurki to take it off '' "your right'' he said "then let's just walk around and find our way to the bomb '' as we where walking uruaka use her qurki to make us float its "MY TURN!" I said "REALEST'' and we where in the ground

              Uruaka POV
"H-HOW?! ''Did she do that  then she said" it's called a qurki '' then she said torodoki go with out me '' he nods and leaves " I always wanted to fight u!'' I said " then lest start'' Y/n said.

                      Y/n POV
As she was trying to touch me I kept dogging then I got a stake of cards and then trew It all her one of them made a cut on her  and it went  back at me I licked the blood on the card and then bam she stoped running I kept her like that and then I went to torodoki

Flash back

Before I left there I said " nice job ''I said  ''UGH! U always WIN!''she said

End of flash back

                      Torodoki POV
I heard y/n voice then I said " won that easy?'' Then she said " yeah it wasn't that hard'' I let out a small giggle and kept running.

As we where running we saw Momo and the boom I went running and then y/n threw her sharp cards with momo dogging them then I made ice so she would be suck in the floor but then jumped over it but was not to focus on y/n then one of y/n cards then pined her to the wall then I Quickly Went and touched the bomb and then before  we knew it we won.

                                                    Y/n POV 

As we watched the rest fight I went to go get a snack then I saw uruaka standing there so I tried to ignore her but she kept starting so then I just gave up and said '' why do u hate me so much'' and then she said '' isn't it obvious u hang out with deku to much even though u know I like him u won't leave him ALONE FOR ONE FUKING SECOND! And now all the the people talking about is how GrEaT Y/N iS NO ThEY DONT UNDERSTAND THAT I AM BETTER THAN U!'' 

 I was surprised but then I looked her dead in the eye and said '' u know that with that attitude it won't get you any where so unless you wanna become a hero the first thing you need to change yourself because right now you're acting like a baby and a villain''.

There was no way she will come between me and deku........

The new girl (y/n x mha)Where stories live. Discover now