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Elizabeth's POV~
I walked into A/V and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Mcquaid kissed me and then I kissed Mcquaid. What the hell was I thinking?! The worst part is I liked it, and if I like him then I'll want to date him, and if I date him I'll get hurt. I'm not getting hurt.

Jessica and Scott were giving the morning announcements, per usual, and I just sat in my normal seat and watched. I saw Mcquaid keep looking at me but I kept my gaze directed away from him.

Soon the announcements ended and I attempted to leave as soon as possible. I saw Mcquaid start to walk over to me, however his path was blocked by the one and only Luke O'neil.

"Hey, Liz." He said.

"Oh my god. I've never been more happy to see your stupid face." I exhaled.

"What?" He asked.

"Nevermind. What do you need little man, because I am all ears. I mean we can even leave right now and talk." I rushed, trying to leave as quickly as I could.

"Oh no, um, it's no biggie I was just wondering if I could walk Kate to class?" He asked.

"Oh um sure." I said. "Sure you don't want to occupy me with any other form of conversation?" I pleaded.

"Nope, it's alright. Looked like Mcquaid wanted to talk to you anyway." He smiled, walking away. God damnit O'neil you had one job.

"Um hey Liz." Mcquaid said walking up to me.

"Hi." I squeaked, what the hell I don't squeak.

"Um, so I just thought maybe we should talk about, the uh... Y'know the thing that happened." He said.

"Um I disagree." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"There's uh nothing to talk about, we can just move on right?" I asked.

"Oh um yeah, I suppose. Are we cool?" He asked.

"Cool as can be." I forced out with a huge fake smile. "So, uh, see ya." I said and quickly walked away.

{Time Skip}

McQuaid's POV~
So.. Liz is acting weird. I know it's probably because of the kiss, but then why won't she just talk about it. Was I really that bad?

I was supposed to help Luke with auditions, however thanks to Oliver I got demoted to door man and just let in everyone who was auditioning.

After watching all of the interesting auditions I went up to Oliver.

"Excuse me." I said.

"What do you want glasses?" He asked.

"Um so you and Liz kissed before right?" I asked.

"Yeah, haven't we established that?" He asked back handedly.

"Well, yes, but-"I kept getting cut off by my own thoughts "How did she react after?" I asked.

"Well we kind of just joked about the other one sucking, and eventually I met Emaline and we stopped hanging out." He said.

"So she didn't act weird towards you when you tried to talk about it?" I asked.

"Well I mean it's not like we were into each other. We just got drunk, made out, and went on with our lives." He explained.

"Oh." I said.

"She run away after you sucked her face off?" He asked, smirking.

"W-What no no no I-I didn't- w-we didn't-" I couldn't speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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