Chapter 1: The Other Twin

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Chapter 1: The Other Twin

Penelope's POV:

"Penelope!" Narcissa yelled up at me. The name is Penelope Carver. Well Penelope Potter, but I had it changed. Before I started Hogwarts six years ago, actually. I currently live with Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy and their son Draco.

"Coming." I told her, grabbing my things. "Draco! Where did you put my shoes!" I swear that boy is always hiding my things.

"You think I would mess with your stinking shoes!" Draco laughed, coming into my room. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him my best 'don't mess with me' look. Draco rolled his eyes and pointed to the closet. I silently laughed and went to the closet grabbing my shoes. I quickly put them on and walked up next to Draco. We stared at each other for a few minutes.

"Are we going or not?" I asked finally breaking the silence.

"In just a second." he smirked, before leaning in to kiss me. His lips were soft on mine and they moved perfectly with mine. Sometimes I wished that he didn't only want me as a play thing. Or someone to just use anytime he wanted. In all honesty I was getting kind of tired of it. The only thing I wasn't tired of was kissing him. When we finally broke the kiss we went down stairs and meet Narcissa. I was going with her and Bellatrix to Spinner's End, leaving Draco here by himself.

"Bella is not here yet so it will be a few minutes." she smiled, softly. Narcissa has always been my favorite out of her and Bellatrix. Bellatrix was crazy, no scratch that mentally unstable. I sighed as I sat down on the couch, Draco sitting down next to me. I still remember the first time Draco and I had sex. It was fourth year during the Yule Ball. I had been asked by Roger Davies, the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, but I turned him down and went with Blaise Zabini instead. When Blaise had went to dance with Pansy, I had went outside to where I knew Severus would be patrolling. I had noticed Harry walking to. Harry and I had found out that we were twins third year, when Sirius had escaped Azkaban. I had lived with Remus up to the end of that year, when I went to live with the Malfoy's. Remus had been the only one to know that I was a Death Eater, well other than Barty Crouch Jr, Professor Snape and the Malfoy's. My brother never knew until we found out that Barty Jr had posed as Mad Eye Moody at the end of fourth year. He now resented and hated me. To which I could not blame him.

"Polly!" Bellatrix snapped, as I came out of my daydream. Polly was her nickname for me, she started calling me that when she realized that I was on their side.

"Sorry Bells." I smiled. Bells, she hated that nickname but she tolerated it for me. "So are we going to sit around here all day or are we going to see Mister tall dark and boring?"

"Talk dark and boring? Really, Ellie?" Narcissa teased.

"Oh can it Cissy." I rolled my eyes. I had told Narcissa that I kind of had a thing for Severus, and luckily she was the only one I told and will ever tell. "Bye Draco." I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and put a hand on top of Bells and Cissy's and we apparated to the Halifax area of Yorkshire, or the place known as Spinner's End. Spinner's End is near the Manchester area in the industrial north of England. It is in an industrial-style mill-town. The name Spinner's End suggests it's a textile mill but even this is unproven. Cissy and Bells Apparate us to the edge of the river that is dirty enough to be smelled several streets away.

A/N: Okay so I know this isnt the best or longest first chapter of a book, but I promise the next chapter will be longer and better.

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