Chapter 18: A Birthday Surprise

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"If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees." -Hal Borland

Chapter 18: A Birthday Surprise

Third Person POV:

A few days after their meeting with Dumbledore, Penelope and Harry sat, well rather stood, in potions class. Slughorn was rambling on about the affects that an antidote for a poison has.

Penelope already knew how to brew the potion from spending so much time in the Malfoy household and from the book that she had. She had stolen this book before the end of last year and made the same notes in it as Harry's had. Though on this particular antidote Harry would be rather disappointed that the 'Half Blood Prince' did not provide any hints on how to make an antidote for a poison. However, as an alternative, the Prince notes that you can just use a bezoar to cure a poisoned person. One that Penelope already brewed before this class.

"Alright people brew your antidotes." Slughorn clapped his hands together. Penelope smiled to herself and walked up to Slughorn, "Yes Miss Carver?" She handed him her antidote with out saying a word. He beamed. "This is a very bezoar sloution, Miss Carver. However you should still learn to brew the other, this will suffice."

"I was wondering Professor if you would tell me about Horcruxes, after class or sometime?" Penelope urged, while there are still other students in the class. Harry's ears perked up at this.

"Dumbledore sent you did he?" Slughorn questioned, while whispering "To collect my memory on the subject. Well there is no other part of the memory." Aloud he says, "Class dismissed, finish your antidotes on your own and turn them in at the next class." And with that he flees the classroom as quickly as possible.

Harry sighs hoping that his sister's methods would get him the memory, but realizes that getting that memory is going to be way harder than he thought.

Later on, the sixth years have their first Apparition lesson in the Great Hall. Apparating proves to be very, very tricky, and hardly anyone seems to be able to do it at first. The only one to get it at the first try is Penelope, but since most know about her Death Eater status it comes as no surprise.

"Would you help me?" Harry whispers to her.

"It is taking longer than I thought." Malfoy says aloud to Crabbe, and instructing him and Goyle to continue to keep a lookout.

"What do you suppose that means?" Harry asked his sister, who has been known to be friendly with Draco Malfoy. Harry is immediately suspicious and begins to check his Marauder's Map religiously for signs of Draco's whereabouts. To Harry's confusion, Draco often doesn't show up on the map.

"Well maybe it is not for you to find out Harry." Penelope hisses, after learning of this. Soon after, Ron's birthday arrives. As Ron explores the stack of presents next to his bed on his birthday morning, he stumbles across a box of chocolates and begins eating them. Unfortunately, the chocolates were Harry's chocolates that he had pulled out of his trunk while retrieving the Marauder's Map. The chocolates contain a love potion that Romilda Vane cooked up for Harry when she wanted him to ask her to be his date to Slughorn's holiday party.

Ron falls fast and hard for Romilda. Because it's been a few months since the potion was concocted, it's only gotten stronger. Harry decides to take Ron to Slughorn's office immediately, before Ron can do any damage. Slughorn, though still wary of Harry, agrees to help. He gives Ron an antidote.Ron begins to feel better and drinks some mead that Slughorn gives him. Ron immediately begins to twitch and convulse; he's been poisoned. Harry recalls the Half-Blood Prince's tip on poison antidotes and thrusts a bezoar into Ron's mouth.

A/N: Shortest chapter of the whole book so far, but I want to get straight to the funner stuff. I know this chapter went fast and not very much happened, but we can consider this chapter a filler to get to the next one. So comment your thoughts!!! Next chapter will be better I promise, and longer too. Until then have a great day!!

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