Side Mission: Elvis Star's Last Concert

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Elvis Star is a tall, skinny man who always wears black threads and shades. He used to be a famous rock star. His interest in music started when kids in his class started making references to his name compared to the king of rock-and-roll himself, Elvis Presley. For his 10th birthday, he got an electric guitar and played it all day and night. His music career officially started for him when he was 16 after a talent scout heard him and his band practicing in Elvis's garage. He set them up with their first gig and they were a smash hit. This is the story of Elvis Star's last concert before he left the band. Of course, nobody really knows the truth about what happened to him until now.

"Okay. Is everybody ready?" asked Elvis Star.

"Ready," said Charles, the drummer of the band.

Charles is always dressed for success but he gained a bit of weight ever since he joined the band.

"I'm ready and raring to go," said Angelia, the bass guitarist.

Angelia is a blond woman with rebel styled clothing.

"Then, let's get it on," said Elvis as the band started playing.

Meanwhile in the city,

There is a high-speed chase going on in the skies. Some flying muscular man (No, it's not Superman) was chasing some guy with tornadoes for limbs. The tornado guy was wearing some shades with a grin on his face telling you that everything is going to plan.

"Well, Fly Guy, what are you going to do now? The Battle of the Bands is only three days away and soon my plans will be perfectly clear. There is no way you can win," said the tornado guy.

"So, you're a music lover, eh? Well, maybe you should listen for what we got for you," said Fly Guy as the tornado guy heard some disco music turned up at max volume.

However, this was no ordinary music. The frequency was so high that it would give you a splitting headache upon hearing it thus stopping you in your tracks. The tornado guy looked in the direction the music was coming from and saw some guy dressed in 80s disco clothes next to a stereo.

"Sorry I'm late. But, I had to crank up the tunes to make sure that they were working properly," said the weird disco person.

"That's alright. Glad you could make it, Disco," said Fly Guy.

On the opposite rooftop, there was some guy who looked like a pirate with a cannon aimed at the tornado guy. He fired the cannon and a cannonball hit the tornado guy on the back. The impact disrupted the flow of energy it takes to generate the tornadoes and they dissipated. He started falling out of the sky. Right when he was in front of a window of the 25th floor of a skyscraper, some guy dressed like a secret agent jumped out of the window and grabbed the tornado guy. He got out a grappling hook and it latched onto a window causing them to land safely.

He activated his watch and reported, "Villain #45600 AKA Shadenado has been apprehended. I shall report back up to the roof with him at hand."

"You seriously need to learn how to loosen up Stealthy. This ain't some British agency. Oh well. Just bring him over here before he escapes," stated Fly Guy.

"Roger. And I told you to call me by my code name Double OO," said Double OO.

At some faraway building, some guy is meditating at the roof of the skyscraper. He opened his eyes. Back at Double OO's location, a sudden wind gust hit him causing him to topple over. Shadenado started generating his tornadoes. He blew Double OO away causing him to crash into a building. He fell down unconscious.

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